Planned Parenthood Video Calls Virginity ‘Made Up’ and Not Inclusive of ‘Queer People’

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood released a video Wednesday arguing that virginity is a “completely made up concept” and complains that the term leaves out queer people.

The video opens with a woman in a classroom, who argues that the word virginity was “created simply to control and shame people” and later claims that the reason “virginity is whack” is because “sex means different things to different people.” The woman says that the traditional definition of virginity, “penetration – penis into vagina,” doesn’t fit queer people or those who choose to have other kinds of sex such as anal.

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Southern States Are Growing While The Northeast Shrinks

New Home

Over the past few years, states in the American South have come to economically surpass the Northeast, owing to policies like lower taxes and better business environments spurring prosperity and population growth, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The gross domestic product of Florida, Texas, Georgia, the Carolinas and Tennessee surpassed the cumulative economy of the Northeast in 2020 for the first time since data has been tracked and has continued to exceed growth since, according to data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis compiled by Bloomberg. The growth comes as businesses and people flock to the region seeking affordability, job opportunities, lighter tax and regulation laws and freedom from dense urban areas, according to experts who spoke to the DCNF.

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Over 25 Percent of Gen Z Now Say They’re Queer: Poll

Gen Z

Over 25% of Americans born between 1997 and 2012 identify as LGBTQ, significantly higher than previous generations, according to a Tuesday poll from the Public Religion Research Institute.

The poll found that nearly 50% of Gen Z are more likely to identify as liberal and tend to be less religious than their millennial, Gen X or baby boomer counterparts. Meanwhile, 28% of Gen Z consider themselves LGBTQ, compared to only 16% of millennials, 7% of Gen X and a mere 4% of baby boomers.

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Top Trans Doctor Bemoans How ‘White’ the Sex Change Industry Is in Unearthed Video

Psychologist Dr. Wallace Wong claimed that transgender medical care is suffering from the influence of white people during a medical training course for the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) in September 2022, according to a video obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

WPATH is an international organization founded in 1979 that seeks to train medical and mental health professionals on how to treat transgender patients, including minors, according to its website. During WPATH’s 27th annual training symposium, Wong gave a presentation on how medical professionals should handle minority clients and their families, saying transgender minorities “don’t trust the white culture,” according to the video obtained by the DCNF.

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SHOCK POLL: Nearly 90 Percent of Ivy League Grads Support ‘Strict’ Rationing of Gas, Meat, Electricity to ‘Fight Climate Change’

Nearly 90 percent of Ivy League graduates support the “strict” rationing of gas, meat and electricity to fight climate change, according to a new poll.

The conservative Committee to Unleash Prosperity, in a survey that sought to measure the beliefs of “elites,” stated the findings reveal climate change “is clearly an obsession of the very rich and highly educated.”

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Commentary: This National School Choice Week, Let’s Celebrate Return to Founding Principles

The school choice policies sweeping the nation may be among the most innovative—and promising—enacted in recent memory. Yet they also embody a return to principles first enshrined in American law nearly 400 years ago.

In 1642, when the Massachusetts Bay Colony crafted the nation’s first education law, its objective was clear: Parents must educate their children.

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REVIEW: ‘Guns, Girls, and Greed’ Offers a Ground-Level Look at Modern Warfare

Gun Girls Greed

History is written by the victors but rarely gives the view of the people who fought it. Politicians and military generals talk about war in platitudes, while the ones they send to combat rarely get their stories out. Guns, Girls, and Greed; I was a Blackwater Mercenary in Iraq flips this paradigm by giving the reader a ground-level perspective of the war in Iraq.

In the vein of Catch-22, the author is unrelenting in calling out the insanity of combat and diplomatic missions in Iraq in 2004–05. Lerette shows how military and political hubris collide to create a new way to wage combat—using private military contractors under the guise of diplomacy to wage war.

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Harvard Medical School Affiliate Looks to Retract Multiple Studies, Correct Papers

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

A Harvard Medical School affiliate is planning to retract six studies and correct 31 papers due to an ongoing investigation into several senior cancer researchers and administrators, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The investigation involves more than 50 papers, four of which are co-authored by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute CEO and President Dr. Laurie Glimcher, according to the WSJ. The institute has not determined whether research misconduct occurred, although several requests for retractions and corrections have been sent to journals.

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Commentary: Tips for Practicing Everyday Hospitality

Waitress Customer

It’s not hard to imagine grandiose examples of hospitality. The older woman who hosts a crop of teenagers in her home every Thursday night. The man who frequently invites church visitors to his family’s Sunday dinner. The neighbor who throws quarterly block parties and welcomes the whole town.

In these situations, hospitality is obvious (and, let’s admit, impressive). But for those of us who don’t have the financial means or living space to host large dinners or parties, offering hospitality can seem elusive. For me, without a house of my own, hospitality can even feel impossible.

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New York, California, Other Blue States Succeed in Altering 2020 Census Numbers: Report

Times Square, New York City

The Democrat-run states such as New York and Illinois are increasing 2020 census numbers after successfully asking for a review of the once-a-decade population survey that helps determine federal funding distribution as the states struggle with population losses.  

The distribution of the population of California is also being changed following a review, the Associated Press reported Thursday. That report says that “the once-a-decade census produces population figures that help determine political power and the annual distribution of $2.8 trillion in federal funding. The Census Bureau has two programs giving governments opportunities to have their population totals reviewed and adjusted if need be. Nearly 200 requests for reviews were filed by tribal, local and state governments for the 2020 census.”

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