Biden Energy Department’s Claim It Replenished Strategic Petroleum Reserve Misleading, Expert Says

Joe Biden

When the Department of Energy announced that it had successfully replenished the nation’s stockpile with the total purchased volume of 40 million barrels, the announcement had some people scratching their heads.

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), as the stockpile is called, contained over 630 million barrels of crude oil when President Biden took office in January 2021. Last week, it had less than 376 million barrels. How did the DOE refill the SPR with only 40 million barrels?

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Former Admin Officials and Experts Lay Out Trump’s America First Foreign Policy Expectations

An “America First” foreign policy includes focusing on deterrence and building up U.S. military strength while developing a new approach to the Russia-Ukraine war and learning from mistakes made by President Joe Biden, according to foreign policy experts and former Trump administration officials.

In the new book “An America First Approach to U.S. National Security,” more than a dozen experts and former officials describe their foreign policy recommendations that may be implemented if former President Donald Trump is re-elected this fall.

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