Report: 118th Congress Passed Fewest Laws in 36 Years


When measured by the number of bills passed and signed into law, the current 118th session of Congress was the least productive in modern history, passing fewer laws than any other session since the 1980s.

As Axios reports, the data on the number of bills passed was compiled by the public affairs firm Quorum, which determined that less than 150 bills were passed in the two years spanning from 2023 to 2025. By comparison, the previous Congress – the 117th Congress, from 2021 to 2023 – passed 350 bills. Every Congress since 1989 has passed an average of 380 bills into law.

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‘Totally Failed:’ Pelosi Admitted in Secret Video She Should Have Sought National Guard for January 6

Nancy Pelosi in front of January 6 protesters (composite image)

As she fled the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made clear she did not want to evacuate the building and expressed regret that the National Guard had not been pre-positioned to protect Congress ahead of the contentious certification of the 2020 election results, according to video footage turned over this week to House Republican investigators and obtained by Just the News.

“We’re calling the National Guard now?  They should have been here to start out,” Pelosi can be heard saying as she flees through a tunnel under the Capitol on the afternoon of Jan. 6, 2021, as her daughter Alexandra videotaped her for an eventual HBO movie.

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Commentary: Two Years On, the IRA Is Exactly What Its Critics Said It Would Become

Joe Biden

In a recent interview, World Energy Council Secretary General Angela Wilkinson told me that one of the main impediments to the energy transition today is a lack of what she calls “systems thinking.”

“Energy transitions are a change in the organization of society,” she pointed out. “They’re not a simple case of swapping out one technology for another and everything else stays the same. Yet, we have this very simplistic narrative that we can take the oil system, we can put renewables in, it’s going to happen immediately, and nothing else will change. It’s like saying we’re going to take your thighbone out, but we’d like you to run a marathon.”

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Biden Energy Department’s Claim It Replenished Strategic Petroleum Reserve Misleading, Expert Says

Joe Biden

When the Department of Energy announced that it had successfully replenished the nation’s stockpile with the total purchased volume of 40 million barrels, the announcement had some people scratching their heads.

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), as the stockpile is called, contained over 630 million barrels of crude oil when President Biden took office in January 2021. Last week, it had less than 376 million barrels. How did the DOE refill the SPR with only 40 million barrels?

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Commentary: Left Lets Mask Slip on Plans to Demolish the Supreme Court

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz at a rally

The Left has let the mask slip and made clear that it intends to pack or otherwise decimate the Supreme Court.

President Joe Biden announced last week in a Washington Post op-ed that he would promote a “reform” of the nation’s highest court that would include term limits and new “ethics” rules for justices.

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Chuck Schumer Introduces Bill to Roll Back Supreme Court’s Presidential Immunity Ruling

Chuck Schumer

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer will introduce a bill on Thursday  to effectively reverse the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity, according to ABC News.

Schumer’s “No Kings Act” bill has over two dozen Democratic co-sponsors and comes as a direct response to the Supreme Court’s Trump v. United States ruling, which found that presidents have immunity from prosecution for official acts taken in office, according to ABC News. The bill would clarify that it is Congress’ responsibility to determine who federal criminal law applies to, not the Supreme Court, according NBC News.

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Commentary: So Much for Democracy

Joe Biden

It’s been a crazy few weeks. Joe Biden finally quit the presidential race. We heard it first through a tweet using a suspiciously unofficial letterhead, and then he disappeared for a week. It was weird.

I don’t know where they had him or what was going on, but when he appeared, his Oval Office speech was mediocre at best, full of sentimentality and short on explanations for why exactly he was quitting after saying just a few days earlier he would stay. Word is Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer threatened him with removal under the 25th Amendment, which is eminently plausible.

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