Nonbinary Antifa Agitator Charged with Detonating IED Outside Alabama Attorney General’s Office

Kyle Benjamin Douglas Calvert

A“nonbinary” Antifa agitator was arrested in Alabama Wednesday for allegedly detonating an explosive device outside the Alabama Attorney General’s Office back in February.

Kyle Benjamin Douglas Calvert, 26, of Irondale, was charged with “malicious use of an explosive and possession of an unregistered destructive device,” the Department of Justice announced in a press release. Calvert allegedly constructed an IED with screws and nails and detonated it outside the Republican AG’s Office on February 24.

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‘I Just Really Wanted My Breasts Gone’: Detransitioner Explains How She was Duped into Transitioning

Camille Kiefel

Detransitioner Camille Kiefel says that she and other victims of transgender surgeries “have been dismissed” by doctors pushing so-called gender-affirming care.  

“I struggled with childhood trauma,” Kiefel told The Daily Signal’s Mary Margaret Olohan. “My best friend had been raped by her brother when I was in sixth grade.”  

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Commentary: Gender Ideologues Stack Deck on WHO Panel on Trans ‘Health’

Kid with Makeup

A who’s who of transgender activists was scheduled this week to meet in Geneva at the World Health Organization to develop new guidelines on “the health of trans and gender-diverse people.”

We can presume the meeting took place, even though public notice of it didn’t appear on the U.N. website listing meetings and conferences.

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