DOJ Tries to Shut Down Case That Exposed Biden Admin Colluded on Medical Standards Used to Justify Child Sex Changes

Merrick Garland

The Department of Justice (DOJ) moved Monday to shut down a lawsuit that exposed the Biden administration’s collusion with a transgender medical organization to develop the very standards it is now using to defend child sex changes at the Supreme Court.

After the Supreme Court agreed to take up the Biden administration’s challenge to Tennessee’s ban on child sex changes, the DOJ asked a lower court to put another case challenging a similar Alabama ban on hold pending the high court’s decision. While the DOJ requested a halt on the Alabama case to “avoid the prospect of re-litigation of the claims” after the Supreme Court issues its ruling, the defendants argued the government likely has another motive: shielding information about the administration’s involvement in developing the standards it heavily relies on from the Supreme Court.

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Commentary: The Logic in All the Madness

Joe Biden

by Victor Davis Hanson   Most Americans believe it is unhinged to deliberately destroy the border and allow 10 million illegal aliens to enter the country without background audits, means of support, any claims to legal residency, and definable skills. And worse still, why would federal authorities be ordered to…

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GOP Rep. Luna to Force Vote Requiring Detention of Attorney General Garland

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna

Florida GOP Rep. Anna Paulina Luna on Monday informed lawmakers that she would bring a resolution to require the House sergeant at arms to detain Attorney General Merrick Garland and bring him before the lower chamber.

The House this month held Garland in contempt of Congress in a 216-207 vote over his refusal to turn over the audio tapes of special counsel Robert Hur’s interview with President Joe Biden. The Department of Justice has indicated it will not prosecute Garland.

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Biden DOJ Hits Five Pro-Life Activists — Three Already Facing Prison for Blocking Abortion Clinic — with New Lawsuit

Cal Zastrow

President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) hit five pro-life activists with a new lawsuit Thursday for allegedly blocking access to an abortion clinic.

Three activists named in the lawsuit — Calvin Zastrow, Eva Zastrow and Chester Gallagher — were previously convicted this year on Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act charges in Tennessee. The lawsuit alleges they, along with defendants Kenneth Scott and Katelyn Sims, “trespassed onto a reproductive health center’s property, blocked the entrances and temporarily stopped operations at the center,” according to the DOJ.

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Feds Try to Delay Release of Non-Public COVID Vaccine Safety Data Until at Least 2026

Man receiving vaccine

The Biden administration is seeking to delay until at least 2026 the release of COVID-19 vaccine safety data that has been kept outside the government’s normal adverse events reporting system.

The Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services asked U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton this week to issue an 18-month stay that keeps them from having to release the Food and Drug  Administration’s data to Just the News under the Freedom of Information Act.

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Commentary: Searching for the Truth About the Raid at Mar-a-Lago


Top officials at the Department of Justice are downplaying recently disclosed documents showing FBI agents were authorized to use deadly force during their 2022 raid of Donald Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago.

Responding to Trump’s claim that “Joe Biden was locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said the bureau was following “standard operating procedure” as it executed a search warrant on Aug. 8, 2022, regarding classified material that the former president was holding at Mar-a-Lago.

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Hunter Biden’s Court-Verified Laptop Files Will Be at the Center of His Upcoming Tax Trial

Hunter Biden

With the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop having been verified again – this time in court – data extracted from it about the first son’s long-history of tax problems will likely be key to federal prosecutors in Biden’s upcoming tax evasion trial.

The contents of the hard drive, obtained and authenticated by the FBI as early as December 2019 will show the first son’s tax delinquency and unsuccessful efforts to settle his massive debts with the IRS while continuing to spend beyond his means, according to emails obtained from the laptop by Just the News.

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Hunter Biden Still Has Legal Troubles Ahead as House Republicans Call for More Accountability

Hunter Biden in courtroom (composite image)

Though Hunter Biden was found guilty Tuesday on federal gun charges – on crimes dating back to 2018 – the first son’s legal troubles are far from over, and House Republicans leading impeachment inquiry into his father, President Joe Biden, say this should be only the beginning of the accountability.

Hunter Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell said in a statement following the conviction that his client’s legal team “will continue to vigorously pursue all the legal challenges available to Hunter.”

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Commentary: The Myth That Biden Had Nothing to Do with the Prosecutions of Trump

Joe Biden and Donald Trump in front of New York Supreme Court building (composite image)

The five criminal and civil prosecutions of Donald Trump all prompt heated denials from Democrats that President Biden and Democrat operatives had a role in any of them.

But Joe Biden has long let it be known that he was frustrated with his own Department of Justice’s federal prosecutors for their tardiness in indicting Donald Trump.

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