Harris Has Not Yet Disclosed Names of Top Fundraisers, Breaking from Party Norm

Vice President Kamala Harris is the first Democratic presidential nominee in modern history not to disclose the names of her campaign’s top fundraisers, obfuscating a cadre of individuals who could serve in influential positions if she wins in November.

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Barack, Michelle Obama Warn Democrats Election Will Be Close: ‘Work Like Our Lives Depend on It’

Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama urged Democrats at the party’s convention Tuesday night to rally around presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris and her vision for the future, warning that the election will be close.

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Commentary: No, Biden and Harris’ Border Crisis Is Not Over

Illegal Migrants

Ever since early 2021, Americans have watched as illegal aliens have flooded across the Southwest border unimpeded. They have read with horror the accounts of innocent Americans victimized by those here unlawfully. They have seen family and friends die after being poisoned by fentanyl coming across the border. And the Biden-Harris administration has largely done nothing.

Yet now, following a few months of somewhat-reduced numbers of apprehensions between ports of entry along the Southwest border, the Biden-Harris administration is taking a victory lap. Such premature celebration, however, ignores the reality of the continuing nature of this crisis.

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Commentary: They Truly See Their Corruption as Heroism

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz

Most of us get the big things right: Don’t touch fire, wrestle alligators, or play in traffic. But beneath these necessary survival strategies, we are boundless reservoirs of delusion.

While many of our unmoored beliefs are specific to us – I seem to be the only person who thinks I have a beautiful singing voice – some are universal. Chief among these is the claim: I’m my own worst critic.

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Commentary: The Media’s Propaganda Polls Deceptively Favor Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris

Kamala’s “surging” poll numbers are a lot of hot air.

A close analysis of the data shows that Donald Trump continues to maintain a dominant position in this election. After factoring in the systematic pro-Democrat bias in polling data, Trump comes out decisively in the lead. As it stands now, Trump will likely win every swing state and the national popular vote.

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Left-Leaning Nonprofit Reports Guaranteed Income Study Failed: People Worked Less, Got Less Money

Man welding at steel beam

The left-leaning National Bureau of Economic Research conducted a guaranteed income study that showed when people work less, they still have less money.

The study was titled “The Employment Effects of a Guaranteed Income: Experimental Evidence from Two U.S. States” and came out last month.

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Commentary: With Food Costs and Price Controls Bread Lines May Be Ahead

Kamala Harris

Even the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post could not stomach the new proposal from Kamala Harris to place price controls on food. The headline of the opinion piece from Catherine Rampell read:

“When your opponent calls you a ‘communist,’ maybe don’t try price controls?”

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Analysis: Trump Quietly Gains Support Among Black Voters in Battleground States Against Harris

Blacks for Trump

The likely outcome according to current polling and historical precedent is that the Democratic Presidential candidate will win a wide majority of the Black vote, and with Vice President Kamala Harris on the ticket this expectation is raised even further.

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