Pentagon Sued for Records About Deletion of ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ from Mission Statement

West Point

Rather than the words “Duty, Honor, Country,” the new mission statement includes the words “To build, educate, train, and inspire.”

The U.S. Defense Department is facing a lawsuit to turn over emails and documents about how the agency came to delete the phrase “Duty, Honor, Country” from the mission statement of the United States Military Academy at West Point.

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Election Integrity Advocates Score Wins in Majority of Lawsuits Ahead of November

Several election lawsuits filed recently with significant impact on the 2024 presidential election have been decided in favor of election integrity proponents, ensuring laws remain enforced ahead of the November election.

The lawsuits filed focused on candidate eligibility, different changes in law, and alleged violations of election laws. Most of them have resulted in wins for election integrity, while two are ongoing.

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Feds Send Millions of Taxpayer Dollars to the Taliban

Taliban riding on Humvee in Kabul

After two decades at war with the Taliban, the U.S. government is now sending millions of taxpayer dollars to the terrorist group.

The Taliban resumed power in Afghanistan immediately after the chaotic and deadly withdrawal of U.S. troops earlier in the Biden administration.

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D.C. Holds Training Sessions for Noncitizens to Vote

An agency of the District of Columbia held a training session last month to teach illegal immigrants and other noncitizens how to vote, according to documents obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

News of the training session held by the local government in the nation’s capital comes as House Republicans push a bill—with the backing of Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La.—to require proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote.

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Legacy of Deception: Democrat-Led, Taxpayer-Funded Machine Exposed Anew for Misleading Americans


FBI agents took allegations from Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the midst of the 2016 presidential election and provably misled a court by omitting key information, in one case even doctoring evidence.

Fifty-one intelligence experts who derived their credentials from American taxpayers signed a letter cheered on by Joe Biden’s campaign to falsely portray Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation when the FBI had already corroborated it as authentic.

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Commentary: Foreign Cash Could Be the Culprit Turning Our Kids into Terrorist Sympathizers

Texas A&M

Shortly after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, a Harvard CAPS-Harris X poll found that 48 percent of Americans ages 18-24 supported Hamas over Israel. This is in direct contrast to 95 percent of Americans 65 years of age and older who sided with Israel. This stark difference begs the question: why do half of young Americans support a group that has been designated by the State Department as a Foreign Terrorist Organization since October 1997? Our ongoing fight for transparency suggests at least some of the answers lie in Qatar’s pocketbooks.

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DHS Secretary Mayorkas Personally Denied RFK Jr.’s Secret Service Request, Documents Show

Mayorkas RFK JR

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas personally denied Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s request for a Secret Service detail to protect him as a presidential candidate, records show. 

Judicial Watch, a conservative legal watchdog, released the records regarding Kennedy’s request Tuesday after obtaining the documents through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

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