Commentary: Fathers Are Still Irreplaceable

Father with his children

This weekend will mark my first Father’s Day as a dad—an occasion I will relish.

Our 10-month-old daughter, Elsa, has a personality that is larger than life, and the bond I have with her, even at such a young age, is precious beyond words.

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FBI Director: Smuggling Organizations Connected to ISIS Coming Through U.S. Border

FBI Director Christopher Wray

FBI Director Christopher Wray on Monday confirmed that a smuggling organization working with the terrorist organization ISIS is funneling criminals through the U.S. border. He also said the FBI is currently investigating its operations that ‘we’re very concerned about.’

In a U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence hearing held on Monday on worldwide threats to the United States, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, asked Wray about threats coming through the U.S. border.

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