George Soros Invests Millions in Flipping Texas Blue

Soros Texas
by Eric Lendrum


The far-left billionaire George Soros has donated millions of dollars to various campaigns and political organizations in an effort to flip the second-most populous state in the United States to Democratic control.

According to Fox News, Soros has already given more than $3 million to five left-wing groups in the state of Texas in the last year alone, in an effort to increase ground game for Democratic candidates in the traditionally Republican state.

One such group, the Texas Majority PAC, has been funded entirely by Soros (pictured above) alone; the group received $850,000 from Democracy PAC II, one of many organizations funded by Soros, while Soros himself donated $1.4 million. There was no public announcement of the launch of Texas Majority, as the group has tried to stay out of the public eye. Under further public scrutiny, it is revealed that the group is led by former staffers of Beto O’Rourke’s failed gubernatorial campaign in 2022.

“We need millions of more dollars and hundreds of more full-time staff to do this,” said Katherine Fischer, the executive director of Texas Majority. “Texas Majority PAC works with partners across the state to create the conditions that will make flipping the state possible.”

Other groups that have received money from Soros include CTX Votes, to which Soros gave $300,000 in the second half of 2023. He also donated $200,000 to the Dallas County Democratic PAC, and another $100,000 to First Tuesday.

In December, he donated $250,000 to the Texas Organizing Project, which has focused on reducing penalties for criminals, and recently used some of that money to bail out a criminal who has been charged with murdering several people, including his own parents.

Flipping Texas has long been a top priority for Democrats, as the state is currently worth 40 electoral votes in the presidential election; only California has more, at 54 electoral votes. If Texas were to vote Democratic, it would become virtually impossible for a Republican to win the White House.

Some have suggested that Texas is on the verge of shifting blue already, with such warning signs as O’Rourke’s nearly-successful candidacy for the U.S. Senate against Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in 2018, where O’Rourke lost by just over 2%. A recent survey also confirmed that, for the first time in history, White voters no longer make up a plurality of the state’s population, with Hispanics narrowly surpassing them.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.
Photo “George Soros” by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. CC BY-SA 2.0.






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