Study: Suicide Rate Doubles for ‘Trans’ People After Surgeries

Trans Kid

A new survey conducted in California not only shows that genital mutilation surgeries do not decrease suicide rates among so-called “transgender” people, but actually causes them to double.

As the Daily Caller reports, the study from AUA Journals found that twice as many men who identified as women attempted to commit suicide after receiving the surgery to permanently alter their genitals, a procedure erroneously referred to by proponents as “gender-affirmation” surgery.

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Commentary: 10 Things to Know About the Real St. Patrick

Saint Patrick

On March 17, people around the world will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by parading in green hats, sporting images of shamrocks and leprechauns – tiny, grinning, fairy men – pinned to their lapels. Patrick’s picture will adorn greeting cards: an aged, bearded bishop in flowing robes, grasping a bishop’s staff and glaring at a coil of snakes.

The icon refers to one of Patrick’s legendary miracles in which he is said to have prayed to banish all snakes from Ireland. However, as a historian of medieval Ireland, I can assure you that the real St. Patrick, who lived and worked in the fifth century, never saw a snake or wore a shamrock.

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Commentary: Cabrini Film Calls Audiences to Dedicated Service and Unwavering Faith

Cabrini Film

On International Women’s Day, March 8, Angel Studios’ latest film, Cabrini, was released in theaters across America. The movie tells the incredible true story of the first American saint, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, and her mission to help vulnerable, impoverished, and destitute immigrants in the United States. 

In the late 19th and early 20th century, millions of Italian immigrants came to America, most through Ellis Island, in search of their American dream. But many who journeyed in search of opportunity were met with poverty, desperation, and difficulty. Italian immigrants were ostracized from society, perceived to be of inferior intelligence, and struggled to speak English.

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Supermajorities Oppose ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ for Minors, Against Biological Males Playing Female Sports, Poll Finds


A new poll finds that by a margin of nearly 3 to 1, respondents don’t think that it should be legal to provide minors with puberty blockers, drugs, and/or surgery to transition from one sex to the other. And by an even bigger margin, better than 7 to 1, respondents said that biological males who “identify” as female should not be permitted to compete in girls’ and women’s sports.

The Rasmussen Survey, conducted March 6 and 7 among 1,000 registered voters, also found that only 10% had ever introduced themselves using “preferred pronouns,” while fewer than half of those polled, 45%, had ever met someone who used their personal preferred pronouns to introduce themselves.

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Commentary: America’s Intelligence Community is Broken

CIA Logo

In the current discourse surrounding the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC), a prevailing narrative has emerged, as highlighted in a recent Politico article, that mistakenly warns of a future Trump administration’s destruction of the IC as we know it. This perspective is biased and misguided. The real crisis in the Intelligence Community is not what Trump will do if reelected but how to resolve the total erosion of public trust in the IC due to the actions of the D.C. intelligence establishment over the past several decades.

The intelligence officials quoted by Politico, in decrying politicization, ironically contribute to it, exacerbating the broader loss of faith in our institutions. The Intelligence Community, a cornerstone of our national security, must operate insulated from politics — a necessity for its credibility and effectiveness in safeguarding national interests.

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Commentary: ADL’s Partisanship Harms the Fight Against Antisemitism

Jon Greenblatt

For over a century, the Anti-Defamation League has enjoyed a reputation as the preeminent Jewish organization combating antisemitism and all forms of hate. Its acronym, ADL, has “household name” status—and not just in Jewish homes. This makes its current penchant for partisanship extraordinarily dangerous for, and beyond, the Jewish community.

Last December, Senate Republicans learned that a Joe Biden nominee for a lifetime judicial appointment, Adeel Mangi, was previously a board member and generous supporter of the antisemitic Center for Security, Race and Rights at Rutgers University Law School.

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Commentary: America’s Priorities Need to Change in Order to Protect Its Citizens

Illegal Immigrants

The horrific murder of Laken Riley by a repeated felony offender and illegal alien Jose Ibarra, 26, a Venezuelan citizen, was preventable—had federal immigration laws simply been enforced by the Biden administration.

When called out in his recent State of the Union address, President Biden referenced the deceased Ms. Riley. But Biden misidentified her as “Lincoln Riley”—the USC football coach!

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Commentary: Biden, Lenin, and Immigration Language

Migrant Caravan

As an historian, it has been fascinating to watch the left try to impose new language to describe people in the country illegally.

The left has gradually pushed accepted language away from “illegal aliens” (the term in law), to “illegal immigrants” (the most common term), to “undocumented immigrants” (the left’s current favorite term), and now to “newcomers” (the Joe Biden White House’s latest experiment in gaining language dominance).

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Percentage of LGBTQ Americans Has More than Doubled in Just a Decade, Poll Finds

LBGTQ supporters

The number of Americans identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer has continued to rise in the last several years, reaching nearly 8% of the country’s population, according to a Gallup poll released Wednesday.

In 2012, only 3.5% of United States citizens aged 18 years and older identified as LGBTQ and in 2020, the number increased to 5.6%, according to Gallup. As of this year, the number has jumped to 7.6%, with over half of the LGBTQ population identifying as bisexual, at 57.3%, and around 1% of Americans identifying as gay, lesbian or transgender, respectively.

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‘Constitutional Crisis:’ Maine Bill Nationalizes Transgender Hormones as the U.K. Halts Them for Kids

Child at doctor's visit

Conservative elected officials sometimes accuse California of making policy choices for all Americans by dint of its population size and concomitant regulatory power.

Now they are threatening legal action against a Golden State mini-me for legislation that would purportedly override other states’ laws restricting abortion as well as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and genital surgeries for gender confusion.

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