California County Sued over Non-Citizen Voting Records as States Diverge on Letting Foreigners Vote

Vote Aqui

A California county has been sued by an election integrity watchdog over not making non-citizen voting records available while states are divided on whether non-citizens should be permitted to vote in U.S. elections.

Some states are allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections while others are prohibiting it. Alameda County in California is being sued for not producing voter registration and voting records of non-citizens.

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Commentary: Only Citizens Should Vote in America


The next step in radically changing America is now underway. City officials in our national capital plan to allow non-citizens to vote next year. 

President Joe Biden let millions of illegal immigrants cross the border. Then he bussed them to Washington DC. The city’s Democratic machine now wants to let them vote – knowing they will almost certainly vote Democrat for all the support and assistance.

This policy is a clear threat to American nationalism.

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