Hunter Biden Told Congress He Didn’t Work on Visas for Burisma Boss, but Emails Suggest Otherwise

Hunter Biden in front of US Capitol building (composite image)

Hunter Biden told Congress earlier this year during his impeachment deposition that he would never have assisted his Ukrainian business partners in resolving their travel visa issues. But evidence newly obtained by Congress directly conflicts with that testimony.

In one email, in fact, Hunter Biden asserts he is working with someone to get visa issues resolved for Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of the Burisma Holding energy firm that hired the future first son on its board.

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Impeachment Evidence Counters Biden’s Claims, Shows He Met with Many of Son’s Major Foreign Clients

From emails and photos to sworn testimony and FBI documents, the House impeachment inquiry has meticulously established that Joe Biden met in person with many of his son’s large foreign clients, including Russian, Chinese and Ukrainian business executives.

That evidence mounts as lawmakers try to debunk the president’s claims he had nothing to do with his family’s business. 

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Special Counsel’s Report Gives Impeachment Inquiry New Leads in Biden-Ukraine Saga

Joe Biden and Vladimir Zelensky

On the heels of the long-awaited report by Justice Department special counsel Robert Hur on the possession and potential mishandling of classified documents by President Joe Biden, several of the memos cited in the report that were found in Biden’s possession are eliciting questions from Congress about why Biden retained those documents related specifically to countries where his son was conducting his foreign business dealings. The House Oversight Committee has demanded that the Department of Justice provide them access to the classified documents uncovered by the special counsel’s investigation.

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