Commentary: The Destructive Generation Proves America’s Weakest Link

Burning American Flag draped over fence

Governor Ronald Reagan, in his 1967 inaugural address, famously remarked, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction.”

Reagan today might have expanded on his theme by declaring that civilization itself is both fragile and can lost by a generation that recklessly spends its inheritance while neither appreciating nor replenishing it—if not ridiculing those who sacrificed so much to provide it.

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Commentary: Appeasement Then and Now

Neville Chamberlin, Joe Biden

Monday, a week ago, Holocaust Day was marked by solemn remembrances in Israel and in Jewish communities around the world. It was marked in the U.S., as has been customary, by a presidential address, where Biden said nothing that would garner more than perfunctory notice.

Turns out that that was by design. For Biden had already approved a decision that gives cheer to the shade of Hitler and all his modern wanna-be-s — embargoing any arms to Israel that would allow them to keep Hamas from surviving intact and reasserting its plan for death to Israel.

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Commentary: The Human Tragedy in Haiti

Haitian refugees

Since late February, gang violence in Haiti has surged, overwhelming government and security forces and plunging the nation into further turmoil. The United Nations estimates that armed gangs now control 80 percent of the nation’s capital, Port-au-Prince.

The recent wave of violence in the Caribbean nation’s ongoing gang wars erupted as multiple armed groups banded together, pledging to oust Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who came to power after the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in 2021 and announced postponing Haiti’s elections again last year.

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8 Million Illegals to Continue Living Freely in U.S. Despite Awaiting Deportation: Report

Illegal Immigrants

A federal report projects that there will be over 8 million illegal aliens living in the United States, free to roam and do as they please, despite currently awaiting deportation proceedings by the end of 2024.

As reported by Breitbart, this will result in a tripling of the number of non-detained illegals who otherwise would be detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as they prepare for deportation. By the end of Fiscal Year 2023, there were at least 6.2 million illegals living in the U.S. who had not been detained by ICE despite facing deportation; 1.3 million of these illegals had already been given final deportation orders by federal judges.

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Cities Across United States Seeing Surge of Violent Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens

Illegal Immigrants

A rash of horrific crimes committed by illegal immigrants across the country in the past few weeks has many Americans on edge. While most illegal aliens come to the United States seeking a better life, the massive increase in illegal immigration under the Biden Regime has brought with it an increase in crime that is hard to deny.

GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump was once excoriated in the media as a racist liar for pointing out the link between high rates of illegal immigration and crime.

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WikiLeaks Founder Assange Begins Major Legal Fight Against Extradition to U.S.

Julian Assange Trial

Julian Assange’s attorneys on Tuesday began a major legal challenge in the United Kingdom to stop the WikiLeaks founder’s extradition to the United States on espionage charges. 

Assange, who has been in a maximum security prison in London for the past five years, was unable to attend the first day of a two-day High Court hearing due to his health, his attorney, Edward Fitzgerald, said, according to The Associated Press. 

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