NO TRIAL: Senate Democrats Quickly Dismiss Impeachment Articles Against Mayorkas

Within 20 minutes of convening to hold an impeachment trial of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Democrats in the Senate steamrolled through motions and voted to dismiss the first article of impeachment brought against him.

Shortly thereafter, they dismissed the second article as well, without ever hearing evidence or conducting a trial.

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Dem Voter Registration Dips in Crucial Swing States Ahead of 2024

Voter Registration

Three crucial battleground states have experienced a drop in Democratic voter registration since late 2020 and ahead of a November rematch with former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, election data shows.

Nevada, North Carolina and Pennsylvania — which saw some of the closest presidential elections last cycle — all currently have less registered Democratic voters overall than in late 2020, according to the most recent state records. While Democrats still lead Republicans in party registration, the margins in these states are much smaller than before.

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Commentary: House Should Plan to Drain the Swamp in January 2025

Drain the Swamp

The sad reality is that the Republicans in the House after a narrow victory in the 2022 Congressional midterms do not have enough of a majority to be able to accomplish many big things. 

This is not the fault of anyone in leadership, but instead is just the reality of what is at this time a one-vote majority with wildly divergent priorities amongst the GOP members in the House.

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Commentary: Gov. Al Smith and the Anti-Trump Republicans

Al Smith and FDR

As I’ve watched some of President Donald Trump’s former appointees and allies say they can’t support him in 2024, I was reminded of a similar scenario in American history.

In 1936, Former New York Gov. Al Smith decided that he could not support President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s re-election.

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Trump Looking to Avoid VP Pick That Is Too Pro-Life: Report

VP Logo

Former President Donald Trump is still weighing his pick for vice president and is looking to avoid a candidate who is too strict about limiting abortion, according to NBC News.

During a dinner at Mar-a-Lago in February, Trump reportedly polled his guests to see where they thought his vice president should fall on the pro-life spectrum, according to individuals close to Trump who spoke to NBC News, one of whom was at the dinner. The former president allegedly asked the diners about the electability of Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York, Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida.

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Mitch McConnell Endorses Trump in 2024 Presidential Race

Trump McConnell

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell endorsed former President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race on Wednesday.

The relationship between McConnell and Trump has been strained for years; the two have reportedly not spoken since December 2020 and the senate leader blamed the former president for incting the Jan. 6 riots at the Capitol in 2021. McConnell’s endorsement announcement for Trump comes just hours after the 2024 Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley dropped out of the race on Wednesday, according to The Washington Post.

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Commentary: Gearing Up for Trump vs ‘Biden’s Replacement’

President Joe Biden is declining at a geometric, not an arithmetic, rate. His cognitive challenges are multifaceted.

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Commentary: Reality Is Dawning on the Democrats

Biden Administration

You might recognize “The Look” when you see it. It made its debut on the faces of American television and media pundits during the early evening hours of Nov. 8, 2016, as the undeniable specter of a Trump presidency began to take hold.

Today, “The Look 2.0” is back. The most recent iteration is a mixture of resignation tinged with intense discomfort – a sanguine sense of impending doom born of the many dysfunctions of the Biden administration and the increasing realization that the lawfare campaign waged against Donald J. Trump is backfiring.

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Scrutiny of Georgia County Ramps Up After Student Murder, Republicans Question Sanctuary Status

Athens-Clarke County in Georgia is widely described as a sanctuary city, leading to increased scrutiny from Republicans after an illegal immigrant was accused of killing university student Laken Riley there last week.

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