Judge Denies Motion by Planned Parenthood to Dismiss Trafficking Lawsuit from Missouri AG

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey

Missouri GOP Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced Tuesday evening that a judge has rejected a motion by Planned Parenthood to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the state that alleges a clinic traffics minors out of state to obtain abortions.

“One step closer to eradicating Planned Parenthood from the State of Missouri,” Bailey wrote on the social media platform, X.

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Commentary: Abortions Are on the Rise, Planned Parenthood Proudly Reports

Planned Parenthood Supporters

A recent report from Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) shows that more women across the nation are getting abortions, an increase that continues despite the efforts of pro-lifers to prevent it.

The 2022–2023 Annual Report the nation’s largest abortion provider claims that the organization performed almost 400,000 abortions for that time period. That’s a 5 percent increase from the 380,000 reported for 2020 to 2021.

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Missouri Must Continue to Fund Planned Parenthood, State Supreme Court Rules

Missouri Supreme Court

Missouri must continue to allow taxpayer dollars to flow to Planned Parenthood, the state’s supreme court ruled on Wednesday.

The Missouri Supreme Court ruled that a 2022 state budget measure cutting Planned Parenthood off from state funds was unconstitutional, according to court documents. The legal dispute stemmed from a line in the state’s 2022 budget, which allocated $0 in Medicaid funds for any healthcare organization that provides abortions or is affiliated with an abortion provider, the Missouri Independent reported.

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Commentary: Pro-Life Leaders Must Engage in Battle Against Abortion Ballot Measures Now

Pro-Life Rally

Thanks to the Dobbs decision and pro-life leaders, 24 states have laws protecting unborn children at 12 weeks or sooner. Through ballot measures, abortion activists are trying to reverse that progress so anyone can get an abortion anytime, anywhere. These activists are targeting ten pro-life states which have laws that protect 30,000 babies in the womb annually.

The proposed constitutional amendments go far beyond Roe to establish unlimited abortion, eviscerate parental rights, and remove health and safety requirements for women. Though some of the measures include the word “viability,” the broad exceptions in the law ultimately allow elective abortion in all nine months. Ohio Democrats have introduced legislation that does this following the vote on Issue 1 laying bare the policy agenda they are pursuing but denied during the amendment campaign.

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Former Planned Parenthood Chief Cecile Richards ‘Doing Really Well’ in the Wake of Incurable Cancer Diagnosis

Former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards made public this weekend that has been diagnosed with glioblastoma, an incurable brain cancer.

After receiving the diagnosis six months ago, Richards first publicly disclosed her illness Sunday to New York Magazine’s The Cut.

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Planned Parenthood Video Calls Virginity ‘Made Up’ and Not Inclusive of ‘Queer People’

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood released a video Wednesday arguing that virginity is a “completely made up concept” and complains that the term leaves out queer people.

The video opens with a woman in a classroom, who argues that the word virginity was “created simply to control and shame people” and later claims that the reason “virginity is whack” is because “sex means different things to different people.” The woman says that the traditional definition of virginity, “penetration – penis into vagina,” doesn’t fit queer people or those who choose to have other kinds of sex such as anal.

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