Trump Fumes over Fox News Poll Showing Biden Ahead

Donald Trump

Former President Donald Trump is livid over a recent Fox News poll showing President Joe Biden with a narrow lead in the 2024 presidential election.

The survey showed Biden leading Trump 50% to 48% and marked a 3% shift from the May poll in which Trump led 49% to 48%. Conducted June 14-17, the survey questioned 1,095 registered voters and has a margin of sampling error of +/- 3%.

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Analysis: ‘Next George Soros’ Recruits GOP Lobbyists for Influence

A company run by a liberal billionaire dubbed by some as the “next George Soros” employs former senior Republican staffers on Capitol Hill in what a watchdog group warns is an effort to sway GOP lawmakers to move to the left. 

Arnold Ventures LLC is a private company founded by left-leaning philanthropists John Arnold and his wife Laura, who have a net worth of $3.3 billion, according to Forbes. 

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Commentary: The Establishment Still Doesn’t Get Trump

Trump Speaking

A few weeks ago, a “Morning Joe” panel concluded that if Donald Trump were to become the Republican nominee (spoiler alert: he will), Republicans will lose in the fall. This is by no means a unique sentiment – former House Speaker Paul Ryan expressing this idea here, journalist Bernard Goldberg wondering if Trump is trying to lose here, and so forth.

As I read these analyses, I wonder if I’ve somehow been transported back to 2016, when such takes were de rigueur. Here in 2024, we know that Donald Trump won in 2016 and came close to winning in 2020. He carried Republican senators across the finish line in both years, and the GOP gained House seats in 2020, much to the surprise of most election analysts. And, at a comparable time in the campaign cycle when he trailed Hillary Clinton by 4.5 points in the RCP Average and Joe Biden by 5.6 points, Trump actually leads Biden by 1.9 points in national polling.

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