Analysis: Case Against Trump Rallies Partisans but Swing Voters Say a Verdict Makes No Difference in November

President Donald Trump in New York City

The criminal case against former President Donald Trump for allegedly falsifying business records does not appear to be boosting President Joe Biden’s chances in November, with Biden’s once narrow lead over Trump disappearing in new polls.

The trial appears to be largely impacting partisans, with Republicans saying they are more likely to support the former president and Democrats saying the opposite. However, the vast majority of independents and swing voters say the trial verdict will have no impact on their vote in November.

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Gen Z Returning to Trade and Vocational Schools

Gen Z Students learning construction

Just when it appeared that skilled trades and vocational schools appeared to be on a permanent decline in the United States, members of Generation Z are beginning to embrace such professions in what may mark the beginning of a comeback.

According to Axios, the amount of enrollments in vocational programs has been gradually increasing as members of Gen Z, also known as “Zoomers,” are turning to trade schools as a cheaper alternative to the more expensive four-year universities.

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Survey Finds Nearly 70 Percent of Small Businesses View Gen Z Employees as ‘Least Reliable’

Office Work

America’s newest entrants into the workforce aren’t making an early favorable impression: 68% of small business owners believe that Generation Z employees are the “least reliable” of their workforce, according to a new Freedom Economy Index survey.

The survey, a product of the Red Balloon job site and the Public Square shopping site, was released Thursday and also found that less than 4% of businesses found that Gen. Z “most aligns with their workplace culture.”

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