Secret Service Bombshell: Mike Pence Escape Car Left Its Position During January 6, Redactions Reveal

Mike Pence

The Secret Service failures at last month’s Trump rally were foreshadowed in once-redacted passages from a Jan. 6 after-action report that was shared with agency brass weeks before the Butler, Pa., assassination attempt and exposed harrowing blunders that may have put the lives of Mike Pence and Kamala Harris in jeopardy.

The redacted sections from a recently released Homeland Security inspector general report, obtained by Just the News, chronicle how Pence’s escape vehicle left its post without explicit permission and left him stranded at an increasingly violent scene at the Capitol.

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Memo Sounds Alarm Over Massive ‘Unconstitutional’ Database of Americans’ Info Pushed by Biden Admin

Rep. Barry Loudermilk

Advancing American Freedom, a conservative group founded by former Vice President Mike Pence, is sounding the alarm about a Biden administration effort to collect Americans’ private financial information, according to a memo obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 2012 authorized a program to make it easier for financial regulators to track transactions in U.S. markets by creating a “consolidated audit trail,” or CAT. This would require brokerages and exchanges to collect and report certain financial information to regulators and other financial organizations. Under the Biden administration, the SEC approved a new funding model for CAT in September 2023.

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Biden Rule Would Deprive Pregnancy Resource Centers of Funds and Favor Abortion Groups, Conservatives Warn

Former Vice President Mike Pence’s organization, Advancing American Freedom, is leading conservative groups in calling on Republicans in Congress to defund a pro-abortion rule backed by President Joe Biden’s administration that would punish pro-life centers.

“We, as leaders of the pro-life movement, request that you defund the rulemaking process for the Biden administration’s proposed rule, ‘Strengthening [Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)] as a Safety Net and Work Program,’” the conservative groups told House Republicans in a Friday letter first obtained by The Daily Signal.

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