Kamala Harris Sent Agents to Raid Pro-Life Journalist’s Home After She Met with Planned Parenthood, Emails Show

David Daleiden

In March 2016, top Planned Parenthood officials in California eagerly emailed one another about an upcoming meeting with the state’s then-attorney general, Kamala Harris. The meeting carried so much import that the Planned Parenthood officials met with Harris’ staff ahead of time “to discuss prep,” emails reviewed by The Daily Signal show.

About two weeks later, on April 5, 2016, California Department of Justice authorities raided the home of a pro-life journalist in his late 20s—David Daleiden, the head of the Center for Medical Progress, who had recently published videos allegedly showing Planned Parenthood officials gruesomely describing how they extract aborted-baby body parts. Daleiden says the videos prove that Planned Parenthood was selling the aborted baby body parts for profit.

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Commentary: Left Lets Mask Slip on Plans to Demolish the Supreme Court

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz at a rally

The Left has let the mask slip and made clear that it intends to pack or otherwise decimate the Supreme Court.

President Joe Biden announced last week in a Washington Post op-ed that he would promote a “reform” of the nation’s highest court that would include term limits and new “ethics” rules for justices.

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Tim Walz Once Received ‘A’ Grade from NRA — Then He Shot Left

Tim Walz

Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, was once a champion of Second Amendment rights during his time in the U.S. House, but he quickly abandoned his policy position during his campaign for governor.

Walz represented Minnesota’s 1st district in the House from 2007 to 2018, earning ‘A’ ratings and donations from the National Rifle Association (NRA), according to Forbes. During his 2018 gubernatorial campaign, he began shifting his policy on guns, and when he became governor in 2019, he passed several gun control measures in Minnesota, receiving an ‘F’ rating from the NRA during his campaign as a result, according to The New York Times.

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Commentary: Kamala’s Abuse of Staff Exemplifies Leftist Culture

Kamala Harris

Long before fate made Kamala Harris the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party for U.S. President, the Washington Post published an article critical of how she treats staff. The article, published in December of 2021, reported high staff turnover and claimed it “opens up questions about her management style.”

What were they thinking? Very recent top search results on the Washington Post’s coverage of Harris only pull up glowing tributes. In the past two weeks, here are just a few: “Kamala Harris is making politics fun again — for Democrats,” “Democrats make a change and find their hope,” “Kamala Harris and the coconut tree of hope,” “Kamala Harris’s life, career and firsts from AG to the vice presidency,” “Kamala Harris’s powerful laughter in the face of weirdness,” “Kamala Harris walks into the storm — and keeps her footing,” “How Kamala Harris’s early career prepared her for this moment.”

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Harris’ VP Pick Said It Was ‘Completely Unacceptable’ for Trump to Bar Transgender People from Military

Presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris’ pick for vice president — Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz — once criticized the former Trump administration for barring transgender people from the military, according to a review of public reports.

Former President Donald Trump announced the ban in 2017, citing concerns that the military needed to be focused on achieving “a decisive and overwhelming victory” without being “burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.” Walz was vocal about his disapproval of the ban during Trump’s tenure, initially decrying it as “completely unacceptable” and warning that prohibiting transgender individuals from joining the military undermines its readiness, according to multiple reports.

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‘That’s Shameful’: JD Vance Rips Tim Walz for Dipping from National Guard Before Iraq Deployment

Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance knocked presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s “shameful” exit from the Army National Guard before his deployment to Iraq during a Wednesday press conference.

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Kamala Harris Calls for Reparations Commission Similar to California

Kamala Harris with supporters

Vice President Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), the presumptive Democratic nominee for president in the 2024 election, has voiced her support for legislation that would create a commission to determine how to hand out reparations to black Americans.

As the Washington Free Beacon reports, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposal for African-Americans Act was introduced in April 2019 and co-sponsored by Harris, who at the time was still a senator from California. The bill would establish a 13-member commission to “study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery, its subsequent de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans.”

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New American Greatness Poll: Battlegrounds Are a Dead Heat

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in front of The White House (composite image)

Brand new polling across the battleground states shows that Biden’s exit has tightened the presidential race, with Kamala Harris at a narrow 47-46 percent advantage in a head-to-head matchup, with 7 percent undecided. Harris is also +1 percent in a multi-candidate ballot test across the battlegrounds.

The American Greatness poll was conducted by North Star Opinion Research and interviewed 1400 likely voters, 200 per state in Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina.

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