New Poll: Trump Leads Harris by Four Points Nationally

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in front of The White House (composite image)

President Donald Trump outperforms Vice President Kamala Harris in a head-to-head matchup, according to a new poll.

The Harvard/Harris poll released Tuesday was taken after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and asked respondents: “If the 2024 election for President were held today and it was between Donald Trump, the Republican and Kamala Harris, the Democrat, who would you vote for?”

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Commentary: Poll After Poll Shows Joe Biden Trails Donald Trump Thanks to Albatross Inflation and Lagging Incomes

Panic mode is setting in for President Joe Biden and his struggling 2024 reelection bid as poll after poll shows Biden consistently trailing in swing states and nationally as albatross consumer inflation continues to outpace incomes for millions of Americans.

A nationwide Financial Times-Michigan Ross poll taken May 2 to May 6 found a whopping 58 percent of registered voters disapproved of Biden’s handling of the economy. Only 28 percent approved.

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