Biden Admin Preparing Deportation Protection for Hundreds of Thousands of Haitians in America

Haitian Refugees

The Biden administration is planning on extending deportation protection for more than 300,000 Haitians living in the United States.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas is rolling out new deportation protections for around 309,000 Haitian nationals, according to a Friday announcement by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The maneuver involves giving Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to more recent Haitian arrivals, many of whom fled the island country amid government upheaval, and also extends TPS already designated to hundreds of thousands of other Haitian nationals.

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Commentary: Border Security Popular as Most Americans Support Deportation and Curbing Asylum Seeking at Border

Illegal Immigrants

Americans have had enough with the Open Borders agenda, and polls show a vast spoke in the share of Americans supporting the deportation of illegals and a reduction in asylum processing along the border. In other words, Americans now favor significantly stricter immigration policy than just a few years ago – including a majority of independents, Hispanics, and college-educated Americans.   

The latest YouGov survey shows Americans would favor a deportation program to deport all illegal immigrants by a broad 24-point margin, or 62 percent to 38 percent. This represents a vast spike in the share of Americans favoring a deportation effort compared to just two months ago.

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8 Million Illegals to Continue Living Freely in U.S. Despite Awaiting Deportation: Report

Illegal Immigrants

A federal report projects that there will be over 8 million illegal aliens living in the United States, free to roam and do as they please, despite currently awaiting deportation proceedings by the end of 2024.

As reported by Breitbart, this will result in a tripling of the number of non-detained illegals who otherwise would be detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as they prepare for deportation. By the end of Fiscal Year 2023, there were at least 6.2 million illegals living in the U.S. who had not been detained by ICE despite facing deportation; 1.3 million of these illegals had already been given final deportation orders by federal judges.

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