Oversight Committee: Chinese Company’s Machinery Being Used at American Research Lab

Research Lab

The House Oversight Committee has claimed that technology created by a Chinese military company is currently being used at one of the top research facilities in the United States.

According to Fox News, a spokeswoman for the committee said that “we are aware that there is a BGI machine at Los Alamos,” referring to the top-secret lab in New Mexico where the atomic bomb was created during the Manhattan Project in the midst of World War II. BGI refers to the BGI Group, Beijing Genomics Institute, a CCP-linked biotech and genomics company, which the Pentagon has described as a “Chinese military company” as well as “China’s biotech national champion.”

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U.S. Venture Capital Firms Invested Billions in Companies Linked to Chinese Military and Human Rights Abuses

Chinese Military

Five American venture capital firms invested at least $3 billion in Chinese technology companies making products used in human rights abuses and aiding the Chinese military and government, according to an investigation from the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

GGV Capital, GSR Ventures, Qualcomm Ventures, Sequoia Capital and Walden International supplied funds to support the development of semiconductors that are being put to use by China’s military for research on equipment and weapons, according to the House Committee. The report follows findings by the Daily Caller News Foundation in October that several U.S. venture-capital firms were participating investors in CCP-backed start-up contests that supported China’s Thousand Talents plan, which aims to poach technology and researchers abroad.

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