Federal Appeals Court Blocks Biden Admin Bid to Require ER Doctors to Perform Abortions


A federal appeals court on Tuesday sided with a coalition of Christian medical professionals who had objected to guidance from the Biden administration requiring that emergency room doctors perform abortions.

The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, as well as the state of Texas, had challenged the Department of Health and Human Services guidance and secured an initial win at the lower court, blocking the guidance.

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Biden Admin Is Deporting Far Fewer Chinese Nationals amid Record Border Crossings

The Biden administration has removed comparatively low numbers of Chinese nationals in recent years despite record levels of migrants from China crossing the southern border illegally, according to federal data.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) recorded 288 removals of Chinese nationals in fiscal year 2023, 127 in fiscal year 2022 and 138 in fiscal year 2021, according to the data. All the while, Border Patrol recorded 24,000 encounters of Chinese migrants crossing the southern border illegally in fiscal year 2023, 1,970 in fiscal year 2022 and 323 in fiscal year 2021, according to CBP data.

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Biden Admin Watered Down Vetting Process for Chinese Illegal Immigrants, Email Shows

The Biden administration drastically simplified the vetting process for Chinese illegal immigrants in April 2023, according to an internal U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) email obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. The April 2023 email, which was sent by a CBP supervisor to a “master list” of about 500 Border Patrol agents, instructs CBP officials to radically reduce the number of interview questions for Chinese migrants apprehended after illegally crossing into the country from roughly 40 to just five. The “headquarters guidance” came as border agents were overwhelmed with near-record numbers of illegal crossings.

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Foreign Policy Problems Promise to Plague Biden Admin in 2024

The Biden administration faced several major problems on the international stage throughout 2023, some of which will bleed into the new year.

President Joe Biden and his administration have tried to manage major threats and circumvent obstacles from several foreign nations in 2023, including from those in East Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South America. Many international problems the Biden administration dealt with in 2023 have not been solved and have continued to metastasize going into 2024.

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Biden Administration Distributed 65 Million Condoms Globally as Part of ‘Climate Solutions’

Condoms in Box

A new report shows that the Biden Administration handed out over 65 million condoms to countries around the world as part of alleged “climate change solutions,” directly implying that population control through “family planning” is a necessary response to fears of so-called “global warming.”

According to the Daily Caller, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in the fiscal year 2022 distributed approximately 65.5 million condoms, 9.8 million injectable birth control products, and 334,000 IUDs to foreign countries around the world. An internal agency report documenting the distribution efforts even admits that the intention is to “mitigate the impact of population dynamics on natural resources and state stability.” A separate document in 2023 claimed that “climate vulnerability, population growth and unmet need for family planning often occur together.”

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