Trump Fumes over Fox News Poll Showing Biden Ahead

Donald Trump

Former President Donald Trump is livid over a recent Fox News poll showing President Joe Biden with a narrow lead in the 2024 presidential election.

The survey showed Biden leading Trump 50% to 48% and marked a 3% shift from the May poll in which Trump led 49% to 48%. Conducted June 14-17, the survey questioned 1,095 registered voters and has a margin of sampling error of +/- 3%.

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Joe Manchin Leaves Democratic Party

Joe Manchin

Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia announced Friday that he was leaving the Democratic Party and registering as an independent.

Manchin announced in November that he would not be seeking re-election for his senate seat, fueling rumors that the senator may be considering a gubernatorial or presidential run, according to Politico. Manchin, 76, who has served in the Senate since 2010 and was a member of the Democratic Party for decades, announced the decision on X, formerly known as Twitter, saying that he wanted to “bring the country together.”

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Commentary: Trump’s Trials Don’t Hurt Him in the Polls

Donald Trump at Rally

Donald Trump is out on bail in four jurisdictions facing dozens of felony charges and it does not seem to affect his ratings in the surveys. Many people wonder why.

First of all, let me assure you that Donald Trump is not made of Teflon. Rather, he is probably the most polarizing politician on earth right now. While he does have a very enthusiastic base, a majority of Americans in almost every poll have an unfavorable opinion about him. So it’s not that the various attacks, scandals, allegations, and bad press he has faced ever since he has entered politics have not affected his ratings. They have. Remember that even on the day when he won the presidential election back in 2016, he was the most negatively seen winning presidential candidate in history.

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Big Business Takes Major Step Back from Politics as Trump and Biden Head for Rematch

Google Sign

Big businesses appear to be taking major steps back from politics compared to the 2020 election ahead of the contentious November rematch between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.

While many corporate executives weighed in on divisive political issues during the previous cycle, some expressed fatigue to the WSJ over engaging in 2024. Google CEO Sundar Pichai said in a recent memo that he didn’t want the corporation to “fight over disruptive issues or debate politics” following employee protests over the Israel-Hamas war, adding that “we are a workplace,” according to the outlet.

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Commentary: Biden Losing Support of Young Men Due to Border Crisis

Illegal Immigrants

The latest Harvard Youth Poll reveals President Joe Biden has lost significant ground with voters under thirty compared to four years ago, with a 20-point decline among young men. While young Americans give Biden low marks on foreign policy and economic issues including inflation, housing, and the job market, immigration is a leading factor in young people’s departure from Democrats. 

Biden currently leads Trump by thirteen percentage points (50 percent to 37 percent) among registered voters under thirty in the Harvard Youth Poll, a slightly higher margin than he has led by in other recent polls that include young people as a subset.

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Trump Gains on Biden with Young Voters: Poll

Young Trump Supporters

Former President Donald Trump has lowered President Joe Biden’s lead in support from people under 30 compared to four years ago, according to a poll released Thursday.

During the 2020 presidential election, Biden led Trump by 23% among support from young people under 30, and held a 30-point advantage among likely young voters. In the latest survey from the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics, however, Trump came in just eight points behind Biden among young adults between the ages of 18 and 29, with Biden leading 45% to Trump’s 37%.

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