Soros PAC Bets Big on White Women to Deliver 2024 Victory for Democrats

Joe Biden with supporter
by Robert Schmad


A PAC funded by George Soros is bankrolling a political committee that is trying to convince moderate white women to vote for Democrats.

DCNF-logoDemocracy PAC donated $1 million to the One For All Committee, which produces and runs advertisements aimed at persuading “moderate white women” to vote for Democrats in “key battleground states,” according to a campaign finance disclosure. One For All has, in its past campaigns, supported President Joe Biden, Democratic Senate candidates and Janet Protasiewicz, a Democrat-endorsed Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate.

All of Democracy PAC’s funds have come either from Soros himself or the Fund for Policy Reform, a political advocacy organization founded and financed by Soros, Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show.

Though FEC records indicate that One For All Committee has spent no money on federal political advertisements this election cycle, the organization spent millions between 2020 and 2022 supporting Democrats and opposing Republicans.

Past ads produced by One for All have focused on topics like access to abortion, the child tax creditCOVID-19 and racial justice, among other things.

One ad, produced to support 2022 Wisconsin Democratic Senate nominee Mandela Barnes features a white female nurse who says she “never thought the right to abortion would be overturned.”

“That’s just wrong,” she continued. “This is America, the land of the free.”

In another ad, this time supporting the 2022 Senate candidacy of Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman, a different white woman argued that voters should put aside their economic concerns and vote on social issues.

“We’re not loaded or anything, but I know that we’re going to be okay,” she said. “We need to vote not just on the economy but on other issues that are really important to us right now, like reproductive freedom and the environment.”

An April Wall Street Journal Poll found that abortion is the most important issue for 39 percent of suburban women living in swing states, with the majority of them saying that former President Donald Trump’s approach to the issue is “too restrictive.” Democrats are seeking to make access to abortion a key issue in the 2024 election.

A third ad, this time supporting Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign, accused Trump of mishandling the pandemic and reacting too harshly to rioters following the death of George Floyd.

The ads frequently present white women in suburban homes living with a husband and children.

Liberal megadonor and tech entrepreneur Reid Hoffman also supports One For All, giving the organization $500,000 in February, according to a campaign finance filing.

White women aren’t the only demographic group Soros is targeting to give Democrats a boost.

Democracy PAC’s most recent campaign finance filing also reported contributions to committees focused on mobilizing black and Asian voters. Soros’ philanthropic network has also poured tens of millions of dollars into left-of-center Latino advocacy and voter mobilization efforts.

One For All and a Soros spokesperson did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.

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Robert Schmad is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Joe Biden With Supporter” by Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED).



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