Biden Administration to Make Changes to Asylum System

by Eric Lendrum


On Thursday, the Biden Administration will allegedly propose new changes to the American asylum system, with a primary focus on changing the rules by which an illegal alien is ineligible for asylum.

According to Politico, four anonymous sources described the coming changes, including the stage at which illegals can be determined ineligible for asylum status. The current system dictates that eligibility be determined by several factors during the final interview stage, while the new rules would change these standards to instead apply in the initial screening stage.

Under these new rules, the federal government would supposedly be able to expedite the deportation of illegals who are determined as ineligible for asylum, either due to public safety or national security risks. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is set to announce the new proposed rule on Thursday.

Despite rumors of massive changes to immigration policy that the Biden White House has been planning, DHS’s new rule proposal is not set to include any of these. Some of the broader proposals that have been hinted at include using a section of the Immigration and Nationality Act to bar illegals from seeking asylum in between ports of entry.

Joe Biden has faced widespread backlash for his open-borders approach to immigration policy, largely ignoring existing federal immigration law and allowing illegal aliens to flood into the country at unprecedented rates, with millions more coming into the country on his watch. The crisis has led to spikes in drug use, homelessness, and crime, with even Democratic mayors turning on him due to the impact of the border crisis on their cities.

On Tuesday, a group of House Democrats wrote a letter to Biden demanding that he sign an executive order to “immediately take further action to restore order at the Southern border and fix our broken immigration system.”

“This is a problem that I believe there are levers that the administration could pull and we’re encouraging the Biden administration to look at all of those since Republicans want to apparently complain about it and do nothing,” said Congresswoman Angie Craig (D-Minn.) on Tuesday.

The proposed new rule is seen as a slight pushback on the open-borders approach, leaning more in favor of increased deportation capabilities, which is likely to draw ire from the far-left base which supports mass amnesty and rights for illegals.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness. 





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