Anti-Immigration Panama Repatriates Illegal Immigrants to South America and U.S. Funds Flights

Jose Raul Mulino
by Terrance Kible


To stem the flow of illegal immigrants, Panama on Tuesday began repatriating illegal immigrants to South America on U.S.-funded flights.

The U.S. coordinated the effort with the new anti-immigration government of Panama led by newly sworn-in President José Raúl Mulino (pictured above), ADN America reported.

Mulino has positioned himself as an anti-immigration crusader and promised to close the Darién Gap natural land bridge that joins Panama and Colombia, thus linking North and South America. He “has quickly become one of the most significant figures in the region’s battle to halt migration.”

Mulino is uniquely positioned “to create a barrier between” the continents “by walling off the Darién Gap, a perilous jungle area that stretches across his country’s Darién Province and into the northern part of Colombia’s Chocó Department.”

Despite its hazardous terrain, the Darién Gap has emerged as a popular route for migration among “Venezuelans escaping communism and the Maduro regime.”

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Terrance Kible is a reporter for Just the News.
Photo “José Raúl Mulino” by ruperto miller.


Reprinted with permission from Just the News.

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