Commentary: Opposing Illegal Immigration Is Not About Race

Illegal Immigrant Arrest
by Jeffrey Lord


Over there at the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters, managing editor Curtis Houck has published the oh-so-typical latest from the leftist swamp that is MSNBC.

The transcript of a segment from an MSNBC show is, no kidding, as follows:

Inside host and former Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki: “[Trump] can’t run against the other and brown people and people who don’t look like him, like his supporters — his base of supporters coming across the — the border and scaring people and killing people or whatever he’s threatening out there. If you look at some of these exit polls — I mean, I live in Virginia. Immigration was the number one issue.”

ReidOut host Joy Reid: “Yes.”

Psaki: “Again, these could change in — in Virginia.”

Rachel Maddow: “Well, Virginia does have a border with West Virginia. Very contested area.”

Reid: “Build the wall!”

Psaki: “But you’re thinking like — what? When I was in New Hampshire, people were talking about the northern border as a threat because Trump has indoctrinated people with this fear of people who do not like — look like them — being a threat to them.”


Mere weeks after an illegal immigrant made his way to Georgia and brutally murdered University of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, there’s the MSNBC crew ridiculing the idea that illegal immigrants are a problem in America.

My old CNN colleague Jen Psaki ridiculed the notion that Virginia, where she lives, would have voters saying that immigration is the number one issue.

Apparently she has missed headlines like these:

Illegal immigrant nabbed in Virginia after abducting teen in Ohio, taking hundreds of miles from home: police

Ohio authorities are working to determine if the teenager was a victim of human trafficking

And missed this from ABC 13 News in Virginia:

‘It is so infuriating’: Reaction to illegal migrant arrested for sex crimes

This ABC story reported:

Virginia leaders are reacting to sex crimes committed in our community by an alleged illegal immigrant.

This comes after Renzo Montez, 32, was arrested by the Campbell County Sheriff’s Office for sex crimes with a 14-year-old girl. According to investigators, Montes was living in Campbell County, but he is a Venezuelan man, who illegally crossed into the United States.

“It is an unmitigated humanitarian disaster that is now impacting Virginians and breaks my heart,” said Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares.

Authorities said Montes was caught by border patrol in El Paso, Texas in September, but they released him.

“I think it shows every state now is becoming a border state. It is so infuriating because you realize that person should’ve never been in the country,” Miyares said.

Then there was this from Fox News:

ICE agents recapture illegal immigrant charged with rape who was released onto streets in Virginia

And this:

Potential Richmond July 4 mass shooters charged as noncitizens in possession of firearm, police say

One of the suspects in thwarted Richmond mass shooting had previously been deported 

And so on … and so on … and so on. Here’s another headline, this one from Washington state, per Breitbart:

Sanctuary State Washington: Illegal Alien Charged with Killing 27-Year-Old State Trooper Christopher Gadd 

In non-border states all over the country, illegals are being arrested after committing murder, rape, or other violent crimes.

And what does the MSNBC crew do? Why, play the race card of course. In Psaki’s words, this is all really about race and “those [in America] who do not like — look like them — being a threat to them.”

It’s worth recalling here that MSNBC’s fixation on race is not an unrelated one-off. Long before MSNBC was around, the American Left’s Democrat Party was founded by slave owners as the Party of Race. As readers in this space know, I have periodically written chapter and verse on the party’s two-century-plus obsession with race.

Among other things, there were the six Democratic Party platforms supporting slavery. The 20 that stood tall and proud for segregation. There was the opposition to the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. As I have written earlier, “The 13th banned slavery. The 14th effectively overturned the infamous 1857 Dred Scott decision (made by Democratic pro-slavery Supreme Court justices) by guaranteeing due process and equal protection to former slaves. The 15th gave black Americans the right to vote.”

And on and on this business of judging their fellow Americans by skin color has gone. In today’s world, it’s all about identity politics — identity politics being the son of segregation and grandson of slavery.

Now this racism is being used by MSNBC to justify illegal immigration and excuse the murder or rape of innocent Americans like Laken Riley.

A few days ago, Georgia Republican Rep. Mike Collins introduced the “Laken Riley Act,” which is but the latest attempt to correct the disgraceful — not to mention dangerous — record of the Biden administration on dealing with illegal immigration.

Without question, the American people realize they have a problem on their hands. And that problem has nothing to do with race — and everything to do with allowing the mass invasion of the U.S. southern border by completely unvetted illegals, a fair number of whom have a violent record and have zero business being in this country.

America is the one country on the planet where 100 percent of the population is descended from immigrants — legal immigrants of all races and religions.

No American of any seriousness is “anti-immigrant.” But Americans are most certainly 100 percent in favor of vetting incomers and making sure they are safe and not someone with a violent background bent on committing murder, rape, and violence of any kind.

It isn’t hard to figure out.

Except for MSNBC.

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Jeffrey Lord, a contributing editor to The American Spectator, is a former aide to Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp. An author and former CNN commentator, he writes from Pennsylvania at His new book, Swamp Wars: Donald Trump and The New American Populism vs. The Old Order, is now out from Bombardier Books.
Photo “Illegal Immigrant Arrest” by USBP Chief Patrol Agent Gregory K. Bovino.




Appeared at and reprinted from The American Spectator

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