Commentary: The Democrats’ ActBlue Ghost Donor Scandal Gets Bigger Every Day

James O'Keefe interviewing ActBlue ghost donor

About 18 months ago Senator Marco Rubio sent a letter to the Federal Election Commission’s Chairwoman and Vice Chairman, Dara Lindenbaum and Sean J. Cooksey demanding answers on claims ActBlue, the billion-dollar Democrat fundraising platform, engaged in schemes to garner illegal campaign donations via “ghost donors.”

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Percentage of Americans Who Believe U.S. Is Ready for a Female President Drops

Kamala Harris

The amount of Americans that believe the U.S. is ready for a female president has dipped according to a poll published Friday, with just over half claiming they believe the country is ready this year.

The poll, conducted by YouGov for The Times, found that just 54% of respondents believe the country is ready to elect a female president in 2024, compared to 63% in a 2015 YouGov poll. The question comes as Vice President Kamala Harris emerges as the presumptive Democratic nominee for president now that President Joe Biden has withdrawn his bid for reelection.

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Justice Department Says TikTok Has Collected User Data on Issues Such as Gun Control and Abortion

The Justice Department on Friday evening accused the social media app TikTok of gathering information on users’ opinions on social issues such as abortion and gun control.

Attorneys for the DOJ said in documents filed at an appeals court in Washington that TikTok and its parent company ByteDance used an internal web-suite system called Lark to get TikTok employees to communicate with ByteDance engineers in China.

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California School District Partners with LGBTQ Center That Recommends Transgender Surgeries for Minors

Child at doctor's visit

A California high school refers students to an LGBTQ+ nonprofit that helps minors get transgender surgery referrals, documents obtained by The Daily Signal reveal.

The high school in the Newport Mesa Unified School District in Southern California has scannable QR codes in its hallways that take students to a number of “LGBTQ+ Resources,” including the LGBTQ Center of Orange County’s website, according to photos shared with The Daily Signal.

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Commentary: The Second Amendment Is More Crucial than Ever After Attempt to Kill Trump

Man training at gun range

A 20-year-old man with a rifle, perched atop a nearby roof, fired several rounds July 13 at Donald Trump as the former president spoke at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, killing one attendee and wounding at least two others.

As we know now, one round nicked Trump’s right ear and he avoided a serious wound or death with a fortuitous head turn that moved him out of the bullet’s path at the last second.

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Commentary: The Big Divide

Man looking out window

Whether the economy is currently bubbling along or facing a slowdown, a slow-motion disaster is about to create a real crisis for the government, our future politics, and the shrinking middle class. Half of households have no retirement savings.

This is just one of many shifts in the economy that reflect the declining fortunes of the middle class. Wages have remained mostly flat for most workers—particularly those without a college degree—since the early 1970s. Recent high rates of inflation further cut into the ability of the self-identified middle class to make ends meet. But the biggest change has been the abolition of employer-provided pensions and their replacement with rickety and self-managed 401k savings plans.

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DEI, Critical Race Theory Pervades Military Trainings: Report

Military DEI

Diversity, equity and inclusion and critical race theory topics now pervade U.S. Armed Forces educational trainings and programs, according to newly published research.

The recent report out of Arizona State University’s Center for American Institutions detailed the extensiveness of DEI training throughout the branches of the military and military academies, as well as highlighted an increasing budget for DEI training.

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Newest Soros Money Network Plan Imposes ‘Green Colonialism’ on Developing Nations, Experts Say

Family Farm in Africa

A Soros-run nonprofit’s plan to pump hundreds of millions of dollars into third-world climate programs reeks of “green colonialism,” experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Open Society Foundations (OSF) will commit $400 million over eight years to support green industrial policies for a group of developing nations dubbed the “global south,” according to a July 16 press release. The new funding is the latest in a long line of initiatives from left-wing billionaire George Soros that pressure developing countries into aligning with the organization’s green agenda, which ultimately harms locals in pursuit of its climate goals, experts told the DCNF.

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Poll: Inflation, Immigration, Economy Are Top Concerns of Voters


The Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll, conducted prior to the weekend assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, found that likely voters said inflation/price increases (45%), illegal immigration (36%) and the economy/jobs (28%) were the issues that matter most to them heading into the November election.

The poll was conducted in conjunction with Noble Predictive Insights from July 8-11 and surveyed nearly 2,300 likely voters, including 1,006 Republicans, 1,117 Democrats, and 172 true (non-leaning) independents. It has a margin of error of 2.1%. The Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll is one of only six national tracking polls in the United States.

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Commentary: Democrats Did This to Themselves

President Joe Biden

by J.D. Foster   The Democratic machine is gearing up in a panic to overwhelm President Joe Biden. What a bunch of rubes. Biden is driving the Democratic wagon toward an electoral cliff, but this was foreseen a year ago among leading Democrats. Even as they tried to con and bluff the American…

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