Harris’ VP Short-Lister Collaborated with Trans Lobby to Target Counselors Who Won’t Gender-Transition Kids

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, who is reportedly on Vice President Kamala Harris’ shortlist for running mate, collaborated with transgender activists to target professionals who help children resolve gender distress without life-altering medical treatments, according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Shapiro administration and representatives of the Trevor Project, an LGBTQ+ activist group, worked behind the scenes in a systematic campaign to effectively impose bans on so-called “conversion therapy,” without needing to pass any legislation. The Trevor Project also investigated individual licensed therapists, some of whom were connected to Christian groups, and shared part of that information with Shapiro’s administration, emails obtained by the DCNF show.

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Parents Petition Denver Schools to Stop ‘Seal of Diversity’ Program

Denver East High School

A Denver high school allows students to take classes such as Queer Literature and Gender Studies to earn a “Seal of Diversity” award.

Students can submit a short, five-minute application to be part of the program, then take “diversity, equity, and inclusion”-related classes and engage with a DEI-related club or organization on campus to receive the award, according to documents obtained by The Daily Signal through a Colorado Open Records Act request.

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Commentary: Kamala Harris and the Californication of America

Kamala Harris

If you have ever confronted the astonishing hatred that San Francisco Bay Area Democrats have for anything Republican, much less MAGA Republican, then you understand why Kamala Harris may become the next president of the United States.

This isn’t a hate that is grounded in reality. It is nurtured by decades of propaganda, backed by trillions of dollars in big tech wealth, and, lately, the most powerful tools of mass hypnosis and Pavlovian conditioning the world has ever seen. If you question any of their pieties—climate, race, gender, Trump—you are instantly and permanently dehumanized. It is impossible to change their minds. There is no room for nuance. There is no tolerance for alternative perspectives. You are hated. You are garbage. Give up. Die.

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Author Spotlight: Cleo Childs

Cleo Childs

Not too far removed from singers/songwriters are poets. Songs are just poetry set to music. Author Cleo Childs debuted her first spoken word project in May. The work entitled Moving With is a collection of 14 poems set to music. It was written throughout her personal, emotional journey as she witnessed her mother’s brave struggle through the stages of Alzheimer’s.

Childs’ mother passed in 2021 from early onset Alzheimer’s when she was just 28 and it sent her into a deep depression. She tried to “intellectually” get over it by learning everything she could about grief.

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Parents Outraged School District Forces Children to Room with Trans Students on Overnight Trips

Students in a Southern California school district could be forced to choose between rooming with a transgender-identifying student or missing out on an overnight school field trip.

If parents complain about their child rooming with a transgender-identifying student of the opposite biological sex, staff in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District listen to the parents’ concerns, then say that the child’s rooming assignment isn’t the parents’ choice, according to emails from 2021 and 2022 obtained by the Center for American Liberty and shared with The Daily Signal.

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The UK’s High Court Upholds Ban on Puberty Blockers

In a seismic ruling Monday, the UK High Court upheld the British government’s ban on puberty blockers, citing a study that found “very substantial risks and very narrow benefits” of early puberty suppression.

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Commentary: The Beginning of the Revolution Our Kids Need

A revolution is underway. Parents, physicians, and principals have seen the devastation inflicted on an entire generation of children raised on screens, and they are taking bold steps to end “phone-based childhood.” Politicians are joining the cause, too, with Congress on the brink of passing bi-partisan legislation to protect kids online – the first significant law of its kind in nearly 30 years. The catalyst for this revolution is Jonathan Haidt’s new bestselling book, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.

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Despite Mounting Proof That Offshore Wind Hurts Whales, Mainstream Media, Feds, and Activists Deny Harm

Multiple researchers are finding evidence that an uptick in whale deaths over the last several years on the East Coast is most likely caused by offshore wind development projects. While the evidence mounts, environmental groups and federal agencies continue to deny any connection exists.

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