Antisemitic Incident Reports in U.S. Surged 360 Percent After Oct. 7 Hamas Attack

Pro-Palestine protest

Reports of antisemitic incidents in the United States surged by 360% after Hamas Oct. 7, 2023, terror attack on Israel.

From Oct. 7 to Jan. 7, the Anti-Defamation League recorded reports of 3,283 antisemitic incidents, which is a 360% increase from the same time period a year before, in which 712 incidents occurred, the advocacy group said Tuesday.

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Billionaire CEO Announces Plagiarism Probe Targeting MIT, and Beyond

Hedge fund founder Bill Ackman announced on Friday he would launch an AI plagiarism review of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s faculty and leaders with possible plans to extend the probe to other elite universities.

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Commentary: America’s Last Stand Is the Most Important Book in America

Thomas Paine

Nearly two and a half centuries ago, the 18th-century American colonists were confronted with a choice: whether or not to continue living their lives as British subjects and supporting the crown or to sever their ties with Great Britain and declare their independence. The choice may seem obvious and easy today, but at the time—circa 1776—a great many colonists were hesitant to choose freedom, and others even supported the crown. They needed persuading.

Fortunately, a virtually unknown immigrant named Thomas Paine felt compelled to persuade the American colonists to choose freedom. His pamphlet, Common Sense, was published on January 10, 1776, and its influence cannot be overstated. It was read by the modern equivalent of 15 million people at the time and provided the fuel the colonists needed to choose independence.

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Pope Calls for Global Ban on Surrogacy, Calls Process ‘Deplorable,’ Equates to Human Trafficking

Pope Francis on Monday slammed surrogacy as a “deplorable” practice comparable to human trafficking, and he called for a global ban on it. 

“The path to peace calls for respect for life, for every human life, starting with the life of the unborn child in the mother’s womb, which cannot be suppressed or turned into an object of trafficking,” Francis told members of the Vatican Diplomatic Corps in an annual address Monday.

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Park Service to Remove William Penn Statue in Philadelphia, in Inclusivity Push

The National Parks Service says it is rehabilitating Philadelphia’s Welcome Park to ensure it is “more welcoming, accurate, and inclusive” for visitors, and part of that plan includes removing a statue of the city’s founder, William Penn.

In addition to removing the statue, the National Parks Service said in an announcement last week that it will also remove the model of Penn’s home known as the Slate Roof House, which was built at the current location of Welcome Park, which was named for the ship Welcome which Penn took to America in 1682.

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Bill Gates’ Foundation Poured Millions into Chinese Government Organizations in 2022

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation paid out or approved for future payment roughly $23 million in grants to Chinese government organizations during its 2022 reporting period, tax documents show.

The nonprofit listed grants to over 20 different Chinese entities, including Chinese government agencies, labeled as “foreign government” on its 2022 tax forms. The majority of the grants were for projects related to public health research and analysis, including several projects involving diseases and vaccine delivery.

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Natalie Winters of Bannon’s ‘War Room’ Launches Women’s Clothing Line

Natalie Winters, an on-air personality with Steve Bannon’s “War Room,” announced that she has launched a line of women’s clothing.

She’s So Right, launched earlier this week by the 22-year-old Winters, is inspired in part by the young founder’s disdain for the Chinese Communist Party and its stranglehold on the American economy. 

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Thousands of American Women Hoarded Abortion Pills After Dobbs Leak, New Study Shows

Thousands of American women stocked up on abortion pills after the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked in 2022, according to a new study published Tuesday by the JAMA Network.

Aid Access, a European nonprofit that delivers the abortion pill through the mail, started its service to the U.S. in September 2021 and averaged 25 requests in advance per day for the abortion pill, according to The New York Times. After the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Center was leaked in May 2022, however, the study found that the number of requests skyrocketed to 118 per day.

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Three Years Later, Fewer Americans Think Trump Was Responsible for Capitol Riot: Poll

January 6

Fewer Democrats and Republicans today than in 2021 think that former President Donald Trump was responsible for the events of Jan. 6 of that year, at the U.S. Capitol, according to a new poll published on Wednesday.

Trump was impeached for a second time by the House of Representatives on Jan. 13, 2021, for “incitement of insurrection” after, on Jan. 6, a mob of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol building to disrupt the counting of electoral votes for the 2020 presidential election, following a “Stop the Steal” rally that Trump hosted at the Ellipse. Despite being uniformly blamed by Democrats for the event, fewer Americans in both parties think that Trump was responsible for the events at the Capitol building, according to a poll conducted by the University of Maryland for The Washington Post, published Tuesday.

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