Commentary: Starship Troopers is Not a Satire

Starship Troopers / Sony Pictures

The militaristic, quasi-authoritarian society portrayed in the 1997 science fiction film Starship Troopers is obviously superior to our contemporary gay liberal “democracy.” For this reason, the film fails as satire. The film’s supposed attempt to lampoon the audience’s instinctual gravitation towards strength, beauty, and nobility backfires.

Two and a half decades later, Starship Troopers continues to reveal how moralistic, stupid, and tasteless the modern left really is. Liberals cannot make good liberal art. In fact, such a thing does not exist. All liberal art, at its core, is ham-handed propaganda. When leftists do make good art, it is in spite of their ideological commitments, not because of them.

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Gays Against Groomers Endorse Candidates Who Pledge to Ban ‘Sexualization, Indoctrination, and Medicalization’ of Children

Gay Against Groomers activist

Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist pioneered the “pledge” for politicians seeking an advocacy group’s election endorsement, in his case, to “oppose any and all tax increases.” Violate the pledge, and face the wrath of voters.

Now a contrarian gay advocacy group is jumping into election endorsements with its own pledge: protect children from “sexualization, indoctrination, and medicalization under the guise of LGBTQ+.”

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New York County Single-Handedly Bans Boys from Competing in Girls Sports

Girls Sports

A county in New York banned men from competing with women in competitive sports at county-run facilities, according to ABC 7 News.

The ban applies to competitive female sports, but co-ed sports or sports where biological females want to compete against biological males are allowed, Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman said, according to ABC 7 News. The ban is alleged to be the first of its kind in the nation and is effective immediately.

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Report: Girls Basketball Team Forfeits After Three Players Injured Against Team with 6 Foot Tall Male Player

Girls Basketball with Trans Athlete

by Debra Heine   A girls’ basketball game between two Massachusetts high schools was cut short earlier this month after three female players were injured while playing against a six foot tall trans-identified biological male. On February 6, the Collegiate Charter School of Lowell forfeited against KIPP Academy after only…

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Catholics Demand Exorcism of St. Patrick’s Cathedral After Trans Activists Hold ‘Blasphemous and Sacrilegious’ Funeral

Cecilia Gentili Funeral

A Mass of Reparation was quietly held at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan over the weekend after a depraved funeral service for a renowned transgender activist scandalized parishioners. Some Catholics, however, say that’s not enough and are calling for an exorcism to be performed at the cathedral.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York has condemned the heavily attended February 15 funeral of Cecilia Gentili, a biological male who identified as a female.

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Commentary: Progressives’ Cunning Blueprint to Possess the Levers of State Power

by Joshua Bandoch   Illinois public-sector unions are perfecting and promulgating a model for subjugating Americans to union interests. Their model has three steps: control the kids, control politicians and control the law. It’s highly effective, and toxic to the future of any state that embraces it. Kids are at…

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School District Allows LGBTQ Lesson Opt-Outs After Legal Threat by Muslim Parents

Christian, Jewish and Muslim families in suburban D.C. are waiting for a federal appeals court to determine whether their school district can continue requiring their children to read LGBTQ “storybooks” without parental knowledge or consent.

Eleven hundred miles away in a similarly blue jurisdiction led by the United States’ first known Somali-American mayor, Muslim immigrant families who escaped a war-torn country didn’t have to go to court to have their parental rights honored.

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Commentary: The Pandemic Years Accelerated Gen Z’s Departure from the Institutional Left

Young Conservatives

The pandemic years have all but disappeared from mainstream political discourse, which has now hinged onto the nebulous goal of “preserving democracy”.

Despite representing one of the most pivotal Black Swan events in modern history – maybe even in human history – the pandemic and its impact on culture has been relegated to an occasional footnote in modern politics.

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