Commentary: Democrats True Meaning of the Phrase ‘Saving Our Democracy’

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden

Policy positions are historically key to making the case for one’s presidential campaign, and up until just recently, the Kamala Harris campaign avoided such conversation. Now the Harris-Walz campaign has released a snapshot of how they intend to govern, and we can’t help but notice a lot of lofty promises and empty socialist platitudes with very little detail as to how it will get done. And more importantly, why this “New Way Forward” is now needed after the Democrats’ last four years in the White House. Was that the “Wrong Way Forward?”

Average voters will notice this, so the campaign must now really control access to the candidates to keep them from having to answer tough questions. With less than sixty days remaining in the 2024 election cycle, we expect the Harris-Walz campaign to continue evading unscripted interviews while putting campaign ads in front of the media to try to make sense of that, which is clearly nonsense.

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Oversight Committee: Chinese Company’s Machinery Being Used at American Research Lab

Research Lab

The House Oversight Committee has claimed that technology created by a Chinese military company is currently being used at one of the top research facilities in the United States.

According to Fox News, a spokeswoman for the committee said that “we are aware that there is a BGI machine at Los Alamos,” referring to the top-secret lab in New Mexico where the atomic bomb was created during the Manhattan Project in the midst of World War II. BGI refers to the BGI Group, Beijing Genomics Institute, a CCP-linked biotech and genomics company, which the Pentagon has described as a “Chinese military company” as well as “China’s biotech national champion.”

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Commentary: Kamala Harris’ War on Housing

Kamala Harris

As Kamala Harris campaigns to become the most powerful person in the world, her detractors claim, among other things, that she has no idea how to manage the economy. She has certainly demonstrated that with her recent pronouncements. Even her usual supporters have been critical of her economic policy suggestions. Price controls on groceries. $25,000 grants for first-time homebuyers. A tax on unrealized capital gains. But while Harris backpedals from some of her most economically illiterate schemes, it’s only to attract more votes. Don’t be fooled. She hasn’t changed.

To demonstrate Harris’s long-standing record of waging economic war on productive citizens, consider her actions while serving as California’s Attorney General. She used that office to support policies that made homes unaffordable. Those policies roll out from California and infect the rest of the country.

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Kamala Harris Reaffirms Support for Mass Amnesty

Illegal Immigrants

After finally adding a list of policy positions to her beleaguered campaign website, Vice President Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) has doubled down on her support for giving amnesty to illegal aliens if she is elected in November.

As Fox News reports, a platform has been added to the Harris-Walz campaign website after nearly two months. In an attempt to distance herself from her radical past stances, including supporting giving taxpayer-funded healthcare to all illegals, Harris has tried to portray herself as much more hawkish on the immigration crisis.

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Victor Davis Hanson Commentary: The Biden-Harris World Is Afire


Somehow the United States ended up this summer with no engaged president and an absent vice president who avoids the missing president and is frantically repudiating everything she co-owned the last three years.

The world was already confused over how President Joe Biden was apparently declared by unnamed Democratic insiders and donors unfit and unable to continue as their presidential candidate — as if he were a dethroned Third-World usurper.

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Commentary: Nazis, Marxists, and the History of Ideas

Mussolini and Hitler

In light of recent events and discussions attempting to rehabilitate the historical reputation of Germany’s Nazis, it might be worthwhile to re-examine the foundations of the ideology that underpinned National Socialism and its close cousin fascism. Those who embrace the revisionism that excuses the Nazis’ crimes appear to believe that by doing so, they are defending themselves and their ideological brethren from unfair and ahistorical attacks by the broader left. They think—or at least seem to think—that because fascism is considered a “right-wing” ideology that was specifically pitted against both Communism and Western liberalism, it can hardly be as awful as has been assumed and that its association with unvarnished evil is mere propaganda.

They are wrong. Indeed, the very foundations of their sentiments are mistaken and result from the radical mischaracterization of history and the evolution of ideas in the two centuries after the Enlightenment.

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Report: Thousands of Christians Targeted and Killed in Nigeria

Africans Praying

A new report says that Nigeria has been systematically persecuting Christians, including executing thousands, in an “unrelenting…time bomb.”

As Fox News reports, the claims come from Open Doors International, a faith-based non-profit which focuses on raising awareness of persecutions across the world. Open Doors says that Christians, as well as “Christian communities, their livelihoods, faith leaders, and places of worship” are being “deliberately targeted” in the African nation. It has gotten to the point where Christians are “an endangered species” in Nigeria, Open Doors stated.

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As Prices Soar, Americans Forced to Choose Between Food and Energy

People in grocery checkout line

With inflation remaining stubbornly high, many Americans have been forced to choose whether to pay for more groceries to feed their families, or to pay their energy bills to keep their families cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

According to CBS News, this new trend has been referred to as “energy poverty,” when Americans are unable to pay their energy bills or otherwise afford utilities. On average, households that spend 6 percent of their income or more on energy bills alone are considered to be in “energy poverty.” Currently, 1 in 7 American households spend approximately 14 percent of their income on energy.

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Commentary: The Media Lies Add Up

Joe Biden on "Deadline: White House"

The public is exhausted after a decade of chronic untruth from the left-wing and its media.

The 2016 presidential campaign will be long remembered for the false allegation that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to warp the election.

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