Family Fighting Back After Maryland Takes Child Away After Not Confirming ‘New Found Sexual Orientation’

Edwine Nunley

John was out shopping for his youngest son’s birthday in July 2021 when he received a panicked call from his wife. A state child welfare worker and police officers were at their home, trying to take away their autistic son. The social worker claimed the Christian family’s refusal to affirm his apparently newfound sexual orientation was child abuse.

John raced home in time to record a video of the harrowing encounter.

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Bipartisan Legislators Seek to Stop Venezuelan Oil Exports Until Maduro Leaves Power

Venezuela Bill

Florida Reps. María Elvira Salazar (Republican) and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Democrat) presented a new bill in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday, in a bipartisan effort to increase pressure on the communist Venezuelan regime of Nicolás Maduro.

The main objective of the Law to Repeal Venezuelan Oil Exemptions to Stop Autocratic Repression (REVOCAR Act) is to prohibit new licenses for transactions with the Venezuelan state oil company (PDVSA).

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Chinese Communist Party Espionage ‘Expanded Rapidly’ Under Biden-Harris, House GOP Finds

China Biden

by Philip Lenczycki   Espionage, illegal immigration and other illicit activities linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have increased dramatically under the Biden-Harris administration, according to a House report exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. A “China Threat Snapshot” released Thursday by the House Committee On Homeland…

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