‘Suspect:’ Lawmakers Ratchet up Investigation into Soros Radio Station Deal

FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel

Republican lawmakers on Monday ratcheted up the investigation into billionaire George Soros’ purchase of a wide swath of U.S. radio stations.

Soros is a major donor to Democratic and liberal causes whose purchase of American radio stations just before the election raised eyebrows and drew Congressional inquiry.

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Stadium and Arena Subsidies Not Worth It for Taxpayers: Report

Jacksonville Everbank Stadium

Professional sports teams and government officials promise tax revenue benefits when taxpayer subsidies are used to build new or renovation stadiums and arenas.

But those benefits consistently do not come to fruition, according to a report from the Tax Foundation.

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Commentary: Modern Society Needs Its Renaissance Men (and Women) More Than Ever

The songwriter, actor, country/western singer, musician, U.S. Army veteran, helicopter pilot, accomplished rugby player and boxer, Rhodes scholar, Pomona College and University of Oxford degreed, and summa cum laude literature graduate, Kris Kristofferson, recently died at 88.

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