‘Ceasefire Is Dead’: Biden Admin Shifts Focus to Freeing Hostages in Gaza as Chances of Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Crumble

The Biden administration has turned its focus to securing the release of hostages from Hamas as chances for a ceasefire deal appear to be fading, Politico reported on Thursday.

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Red State Schools Reluctant to Follow Mandate Requiring Bibles Be Taught in Classrooms

Oklahoma school districts have not changed their curriculum despite a mandate requiring the Bible to be taught during the 2024-2025 school year, according to the New York Times.

Oklahoma Education Superintendent Ryan Walters mandated in June that all schools are required to teach the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, in the upcoming school year. The school districts in Oklahoma have been slow implementing the mandate, as some teachers stated that there has been no direction, the NYT reported.

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