South Carolina Supreme Court Approves Firing Squad, Other Execution Methods for Death Penalty

South Carolina Supreme Court

The South Carolina Supreme Court granted approval for the state Wednesday to conduct executions by firing squad and electrocution.

The state passed a law in 2021 allowing the use firing squads and electrocution as execution methods, according to The Hill. However, the approval was temporarily halted due to death row inmates suing the state, despite death by electrocution becoming a default method when the state could not provide lethal injection drugs.

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Biden Administration Gives Up on Texas Border Suit, Ordered to Finish Wall

Border Wall

Texas has won another lawsuit against the Biden administration, this time one that requires it to finish building the border wall.

The ruling was issued May 29, with a 60-day window for appeal. Because the Biden administration didn’t appeal by July 29, the court’s order remains in full effect.

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T. Graham Brown Releases ‘From Memphis to Muscle Shoals’

T Graham Brown

You may remember the legendary T. Graham Brown and Opry member who has recorded 15 studio albums and charted more than 20 singles on the Billboard charts. He has had multiple No.1 hits in country, gospel, and blues. Though released well before streaming was a thing, hits such as “Wine Into Water,” “If You Could See Me Now,” and “Hell and High Water” have had millions of views and plays.

But you may not know that Brown got his start in R&B. He and his buddy would play on his college campus, where they had quite the student following.

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Commentary: Republicans Should Not Panic About Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris

Let’s talk about President Trump and the event he did with the black journalists’ conference Wednesday and the flack that he’s getting now.

First of all, he showed up. Kamala Harris didn’t show up. He showed up and he got ambushed immediately. He knew that was going to happen and he pushed back.

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