Commentary: ‘Russia Forever’ Is an Anatomy of a Left-Wing Obsession

The more candidate Trump in 2016 trolled the Clinton campaign (e.g., “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing, I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press”), the more the irate left bought into hysterical conspiracy theories.

Finally, the left became completely unhinged after the 2016 victory. An Obama-era Pentagon lawyer published an essay exploring the chance for a military coup. Retired lieutenant colonels called for a Pentagon intervention. Retired four-stars could not decide whether he was Hitler-like, Mussolini, or the architect of Auschwitz. Celebrities competed to find the most savage image of eliminating Trump—whether by combustion, incineration, decapitation, lethal shooting, or stabbing.

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Delaware Court Rules Permanent Absentee, Early Voting Laws Violate State Constitution

Mail In Ballot

A Delaware court has ruled that state laws on early and permanent-absentee voting violate the state constitution.

The state’s Superior Court ruled Friday that a 2019 law passed by the state legislature, which allows 10 days of early voting, violates the state constitution that the General Election is to be held on one day.

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Trump Could Initiate Mass Deportation Strategy on Day One of Presidency if Elected, Immigration Expert Says

Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, said a number of steps would have to be taken for a “mass deportation” strategy to be implemented on day one of a second Trump presidency.

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FCC to Publish Race and Gender Scorecard of Broadcasting Workforce

FCC Front Door HQ

The Federal Communications Commission has reinstated a policy that mandates broadcasters file a document that lists the race and gender of its employees.

U.S. Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY-09) said the policy was not followed while Donald Trump was president of the United States.

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Commentary: President Trump, NATO, and ‘Swamp Talk’

Donald Trump in South Carolina

The hysteria in response to President Trump’s comment about NATO offers a great insight into Swamp Talk™. It’s how swamp creatures use their media dominance to gaslight Americans into voting for Democrats in spite of always disastrous results. They frighten voters into opposing candidates like President Trump, who want to make America stronger, safer, more prosperous, and free.

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Feds Fund Training Program to Help Teachers with Gay and ‘Queer’ History Lessons

A federally-funded training program set to take place in July will teach middle school teachers about LGBTQ+ history and provide them with strategies to further integrate “queer” content into their classrooms.

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is funding a two-week summer program titled “LGBTQ+ histories in the U.S.” that will instruct 30 middle and high school teachers on “expanding historical narratives” and “identifying pedagogical strategies” in their classrooms to better incorporate LGBTQ+ content. The July session is the second iteration of the NEH-funded program, the first having occurred in 2022, with the two activities collectively costing taxpayers nearly $400,000, according to federal grant listings.

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Judge Orders Burisma Source Accused of Lying to FBI to Stay in Jail While Awaiting Trial

Judge Otis Wright

A former FBI informant who claimed that Hunter and Joe Biden took bribes from a Ukrainian energy conglomerate will remain in jail as he awaits trial for allegedly lying to federal agents, The Washington Post reported.

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Commentary: The Cancelled Black Harvard Professor Who Found No Racial Bias in Police Shootings

Roland Fryer Junior

Unless you have lived under a rock for the last four years, you will be very familiar with the claim that black Americans are disproportionately victims of police shootings compared with their white counterparts.

But a nearly eight-year-old study challenging this narrative is enjoying renewed attention thanks to a recent high-profile interview of the study’s author, African American economist Roland Fryer, by journalist Bari Weiss of The Free Press.

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