Southern Poverty Law Center Added Immigration Group to ‘Hate Map’ After It Reported SPLC ‘Charity’s’ Attacks on Trump to IRS

by Tyler O’Neil   A recent interview with the leader of an immigration reform organization that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has branded a “hate group” potentially shines new light on how the SPLC allegedly uses its “hate” accusations as a tactical political weapon. Throughout the 2016 presidential election,…

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Union Power Slips as Percentage of Union Jobs Declines

Union Rally

The percentage of hourly and salaried workers in a union decreased in 2023, continuing a trend of ongoing decline in the past few decades.

The decline in 2023 was small, from 10.1% of the workforce to 10% even, but the trend is significant. In 1983, about 20% of hourly and salaried workers were in a union, meaning U.S. union membership has halved in about four decades.

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Border Czar Banks: Texas’ Successful Efforts Push Illegal Entry West

Texas State 'Border Czar' Mike Banks

by Bethany Blankley   One year in as Texas’ “border czar,” Mike Banks says the state has been so successful at blocking illegal entry that cartel activity has been pushed west into Democratic-led states that aren’t implementing similar tactics that Texas has. Banks spoke with The Center Square in an…

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World Leaders Split on Trump Reelection – with Ideology, Immigration, Trade, Biden All Key Factors

With Donald Trump the almost-certain Republican Party nominee for president – and given his lead against Democratic incumbent Joe Biden in most national polls – two broad camps are emerging among global leaders on who they’d like to see in White House a year from now.

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Commentary: Big Tech Needs the First Amendment to Censor You

Smart Phone Filled with Apps

Big Tech is back at the Supreme Court.

Appealing from a big loss they suffered at the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, social media platforms are challenging Texas’ social media law that prohibits those companies from engaging in viewpoint discrimination when curating their platforms.

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Report: College Free Speech Codes Mostly ‘Yellow Lights’

College Students

Although public colleges and universities operate under First Amendment guidelines and many private schools pledge to uphold the principles of free speech, a new report says most still enforce policies that restrict it in some way.

After reviewing the policies of 489 of America’s top colleges and universities, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, or FIRE, has released its Spotlight on Speech Codes 2024. The schools earned red, yellow, or green light ratings based on the extent to which their written regulations threaten free speech.

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Indiana Republican Reverses Course, Will Seek Another Term in Congress

Rep. Victoria Spartz

Republican Rep. Victoria Spartz of Indiana announced she will seek reelection in 2024 on Monday after previously deciding to retire.

Spartz announced just months after being reelected that she would not run for a third term in the lower chamber to spend more time at home with her family. Following a wave of GOP retirements in late 2023 and early 2024, Spartz reversed her decision and intends on filing for reelection, according to a statement from the congresswoman.

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Boeing Reports New Problem with 737 Fuselage

Alaska Airlines' Boeing 737

Boeing has discovered additional problems with its 737 fuselages, following a fuselage panel on one of its 737 Max 9s becoming detached last month during an Alaska Airlines flight.

The international aircraft maker said Sunday the new problem is related to drilled holes in the fuselage that were discovered by a supplier employee but is not an “immediate flight-safety issue.”

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